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The Government adopted the National Strategic Reference Framework for 2007-2013, drawn up with the social economic partners and the non-governmental sector, the government information service announced ,quoted December 22 by the Bulgaria in the EU Presscenter.

The document will be presented to the European Commission after January 1.

This is a long-term document which identifies the role of the Structural and Cohesion Funds for Bulgaria's global strategic development. It provides a framework for effective and efficient absorption of resources from the EU funds in line with EU policies.

Bulgaria expects 6853 million euro to be made available to it from different EU funds in 2007-2013. The document sets out the following priorities for the next seven years: improving the basic infrastructure, raising the quality of human capital, promoting entrepreneurship and a favourable business environment, and balanced regional development.

These tasks will be achieved through seven operational programmes. The Transport Programme will be financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Cohesion Fund. The aim is to build a balanced, sustainable transport system by modernizing the transport infrastructure. The largest funding - 1624 million euro - will be allocated for this programme, Finance Minister Plamen Oresharski said.

The Environment Programme will get financing from the ERDF and the Cohesion Fund. The main task is to improve, conserve and remediate the environment and biodiversity and develop the environmental infrastructure. The allocation is 1466 million euro.

The allocation for the HR Development Operational Programme is 1320 million euro. It will coordinate the effective absorption of resources from the European Social Fund until 2013. The aim is to improve the quality of life by promoting employment, access to quality education, lifetime learning and social inclusion.

The operational programme entitled Developing the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy aims to develop a dynamic economy and improve the competitiveness of Bulgarian enterprises on the European and world markets. The allocation is 988 million euro.

The Administrative Capacity Programme, to which 153 million euro has been allocated, will help to build an effective modern administration which will meet the expectations of the public, businesses and the EU for better service quality and high professional ethics.

The Regional Development Operational Programme, with an allocation of 1361 million euro, covers all components of regional development implemented with resources from the EU
Structural Funds.

The Technical Assistance Programme has an allocation of about 48 million euro.

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