Hauptseite - Europäische Union - Geschichte der Europäischen Union - Chronologie
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Europäische Union / Geschichte der Europäischen Union / Chronologie

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History of EU


January  1
Portugal takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
January  11
Kreil ruling. The European Court of Justice declares that the German legislation excluding women from the armed forces, with an exception made for health services and military music bands, is against Community law on gender equality.
January  12
The Commission adopts a White Paper on safety of foodstuffs.
January  15
15 The opening session of the Ministerial Intergovernemental Conferences for accession negotiations of Malta, Romania, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania and Bulgaria, is held in Brussels, Belgium.
The EU delegation is led by Mr Gama, Portuguese External Affairs Minister in charge of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and Mr Verheugen, Commissioner for enlargement.
The candidate countries' delegations are led by the External Affairs ministers, Mr. Borg, Mr. Roman, Mr. Kukan, Mr. Berzins, Mr. Saudargas and Ms Mihailova respectively. Mr Gama reminded candidate countries of the importance of:
- the formal transposal and putting into practice of Community acquis,
- ensuring a good functioning of both the internal market and EU policies, agriculture, justice and home affairs and the environmental ones in particular,
- the alignment with the EU on matters regarding relations with third countries and international organistions.
Mr Gama also confirmed that each application would be evaluated based on its own merits. The candidate countries presented their strategical objectives alongside their political, cultural and socio-economic aspirations into accession.
January  18
In view of the reform White Paper the Commission is to issue by March, a consultative document on the action plan that will set into place such a reform is adopted.
February  2-3
The Fourth Ministerial Conference on EU - African, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP) negotiations aimed at a partnership for development is held in Brussels, Belgium. The Union and ACP countries agree on the plan of action that is to follow the fourth Lome convention coming to an end by February.
February  9
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on judiciary assistance in civil matters.
February  14
The Intergovernmental Conference on institutional reform opens in Brussels, Belgium.
March  1
The Commission adopts a White Paper on its reform.
March  8
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on greenhouse gas emission trading within the European Union.
March  23-24
A special European Council is held in Lisbon, Portugal, to decide on a new Union strategy to strengthen employment, economic reform and social cohesion as part of a knowledge-based economy.
March  27
The "Justice and Internal Affairs" Council adopts an action plan against organised crime.
April  3-4
An Africa-Europe Summit , under the aegis of the Organisation of African Unity and the European Union, is held in Cairo, Egypt.
April  7
The Court of Auditors publishes the special report on the European Social Fund and European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (Guidance Section) - measures to assist the employment of young persons, together with the Commission's replies.
April  10
The Cooperation Council between the European Union and Russia holds a meeting.
April  18-19
The ninth meeting between the President of the European Parliament and the Presidents of the Parliaments of the countries applying for European Union membership is held in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
May  3
The Commission proposes Greece to become the twelfth member of the euro-zone.
May  9
The European Institutions celebrate the 50th anniversary of the "Schuman Declaration".
June  8
The Parliament and the Council adopt a decision designating 2001 as the European Year of Languages.
June  19-20
The European Council meeting is held in Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal. The broad economic policy guidelines for the Member States and the Community for the year 2000 are adopted; Greece's entry into the euro is approved; a common strategy on the Mediterranean region is adopted; an action plan for the northern dimension in external and cross-border policies of the European Union is endorsed and backing is given to the European Union's anti-drugs action plan.
June  23
The Community and the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP) sign, in Cotonou, Benin, a Convention to replace the Lome ones.
June  28
The first European Union-India Summit meeting is held in Lisbon, Portugal.
July  1
France takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
July  19
The 9th EU-Japan Summit is held in in Tokyo, Japan. Discussions are centered on the strengthening of overall Japan-EU relations, including economic and trade relations, Japan-EU co-operation in international fora, including the G8 Summit, the United Nations and ASEM, and the international situation, including the Korean Peninsula, the Middle East Peace Process and Kosovo/South-East Europe.
July  21-23
A G8 Summit is held in Okinawa, Japan. Participants discuss World Economy, Information and Communications Technology, Development, Debt, Health, Education, Trade, Cultural Diversity, Crime and Drugs, Ageing, Biotechnology and Food Safety, the Human Genome, Environment, Nuclear Safety, Conflict Prevention, Disarmament, Non-proliferation and Arms Control and Terrorism.
July  26
The European Commission adopts a Green Paper on environmental issues linked to polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
August  10
The Court of Auditors publishes the special report on the management by the Commission of support for the development of human rights and democracy in third countries.
September  8
The United Nations Millennium Summit is held in New York, USA. The European Commission President Romano Prodi meets Prime Minister Ehud Barak of Israel, President Seyed Mohammad Khatami of Iran and Chilean President Ricardo Lagos.
September  8-10
An Informal ECOFIN Council is held in Versailles, France. EU Economic and Financial Ministers discuss the current level of oil prices and call on OPEC to implement measures to ensure that market supplies are better adapted to the global economic situation.
September  12
A Hearing (Monetary dialogue) is held in Brussels between the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament and Wim Duisenberg, President of the European Central Bank.
September  15
A EU - Ukraine Summit is held in Paris, France. Discussion revolve around recent developments in Ukraine and in the European Union, the state of play regarding implementation of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA), co-operation in justice and home affairs and the various aspects of the Memorandum of Understanding concerning the closure of Chernobyl.
September  19
The Seventh Meeting of the Association Council Between The European Union and Hungary and the Sixth meeting of the Association Council between the European Union and the Czech Republic are held in Brussels.
September  22
The European Central Bank, taking joint action with the US Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan, intervene in support of the Euro.
September  28
Denmark holds a referendum on the euro. The majority rejects joining the single European currency.
October  20-21
The third Asia-Europe Summit is held in Seoul, Korea. Discussions revolve around developments in the two regions, the fostering of political dialogue, the reinforcement of economic and financial cooperation and the promotion of cooperation in other areas and in taking the ASEM process forward.
October  25
A Special Southeast Europe Cooperation Process Summit is held in Skopje, FYROM.
October  30
A European Union and Russia Summit is held in Paris, France. The discussions centre on the widening of all co-operation areas between the EU and Russia.
November  8
The Commission delivers to the Council the overall report on enlargement, consisting of progress reports assessing the preparation of the candidate countries and an "Accession Partnership" proposal identifying the key issues Turkey must address before starting accession negotiations.
November  14
The Committee of Regions holds, in Brussels, Belgium, a Conference on enlargement, globalisation and new forms of governance.
November  15-16
The fourth Euro-Mediterranean Conference is held in Marseilles, France. The Foreign Ministers discuss the EU contribution to the partnership for stability in the Mediterranean region, political and security partnership, economic and commercial matters, social, cultural and human matters and financial cooperation.
November  23-24
A European Union/Balkans Summit is held in Zagreb, Croatia.
November  29
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on a European strategy for the security of energy supply.
December  1
The European Commission publishes a Green Paper on a European strategy for the security of energy supply.
December  7
In the margins of the Nice European Council, the Presidents of Parliament, the European Council and the Commission formally proclaim the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
December  7-9
A European Council is held in Nice, France. The Council confirms that it would like to see the Charter of Fundamental Rights, jointly proclaimed by the Council of the EU, the European Parliament and the Commission, disseminated as widely as possible amongst the Union's citizens. It welcomes the stepping up of accession negotiations with the candidate countries and appreciates the efforts made by such countries to establish the conditions for adoption, implementation and practical application of the acquis; it welcomes the progress made in implementing the pre-accession strategy for Turkey. The Council also discusses about the European security and defence policy, it approves the European Social Agenda, it discusses innovation and knowledge in Europe, coordination of economic policies, consumer health and safety, maritime safety, the environment, services of general interest, security of supplies of certain products, freedom, security and justice, culture, outermost regions and external relations. The Intergovernmental Conference comes to an end with a political agreement on the Treaty of Nice.


January  1
Sweden takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
January  2
Greece becomes the 12th member of the euro zone.
February  8
The European Commission adopts a Green Paper on Integrated Product Policy (IPP).
February  13
The European Commission adopts a White Paper on a future strategy for chemicals.
February  26
Following the December 2000 European Council meeting held in Nice, France, a new Treaty amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaties establishing the European Communities, is signed (Treaty of Nice).
March  20
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on the common fisheries policy after 2002.
March  23-24
A European Council is held in Stockholm, Sweden. It lays down guidelines in order to achieve sustained growth, stable macro-economic conditions and employment-rate targets.
May  17
A EU-Russia Summit is held in Moscow.
June  7
A referendum is held in Ireland, the people vote against the Treaty of Nice.
June  14
A EU-US Summit is held in Gothenburg, Sweden.
June  15-16
A European Council is held in Gothenburg, Sweden. Agreement is reached on the framework for successful completion of the enlargement negotiations, a strategy for sustainable development is approved, broad economic policy guidelines are endorsed and the key principles for securing the long-term sustainability of pension systems are approved. A EU programme for the prevention of violent conflicts is also approved and advances relating to the Union's northern dimension are also achieved.
June  21
A EU-Canada Summit is held in Stockholm, Sweden.
June  25
The EU and Egypt sign an Association Agreement.
July  1
Belgium takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
July  18
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on the promotion of a European framework for corporate social responsibility.
July  20-22
A G7/G8 Summit is held in Genoa, Italy. The participants discuss the following questions: health, international trade, the fight against poverty, development, public debt, environment, food safety, the Balkans and the Middle East.
July  25
The Commission adopts a White Paper on European governance.
September  5
A European Union and China Summit is held in Brussels, Belgium.
September  12
The Commission adopts a White Paper on the European transport policy.
September  21
A special European Council is held in Brussels, Belgium, to assess the international situation in the wake of the terrorist attacks on 11 September in New York and Washington, USA, and to set the guidelines for the response of the EU.
September  28
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on compensation to crime victims.
October  2
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on consumer protection in the European Union.
October  3
A EU-Russia summit is held in Brussels, Belgium.
October  19
Informal meeting of Heads of State or Government in Ghent, Belgium. Full support is given to the action taken against terrorism within the framework defined by the United Nations, and total solidarity with the United States is reaffirmed.
October  29
A stabilisation and cooperation agreement between the European Union and Croatia is signed.
November  9-13
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) Ministerial conference is held in Doha, Qatar.
November  22
The Commission adopts a White Paper on Youth.
November  23
A EU-India summit is held in New Delhi.
November  24
The EU signs a co-operation agreement with Pakistan.
December  5
The European Commission adopts its work programme for 2002.
December  8
A EU-Japan summit is held in Brussels, Belgium.
December  11
The European Commission adopts a Green Paper on the establishment of a European Public Prosecutor for the criminal-law protection of the Community's financial interests.
The European Commission adopts a Green Paper on the Review of Council Regulation 4064/89.
December  12
The European Commission adopts the research and technological development activities of the EU 2001 annual report.
December  14
The euro-zone countries begin making the euro-kits available. It is now possible for citizens to purchase euro coins in advance of the changeover.
December  14-15
A European Council is held in Laeken, Belgium. It adopts a declaration on the future of the Union paving the way for major reform and plans a convention to prepare the ground for the forthcoming Intergovernmental Conference. It also takes decisions designed to strengthen Europe's role on the international scene, particularly in the fight against terrorism, and to conclude negotiations by the end of 2002 with the candidate countries ready for accession so that they can take part in the European Parliament elections in 2004. Declarations are adopted on the operational capability of the common European Security and Defence Policy and on the situation in the Middle East.
December  18
A EU-Canada summit is held in Ottawa.


January  1
Spain takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
The euro coins and notes enter into circulation in the twelve participating Member States: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain.
January  15
The European Parliament elects Mr Pat Cox as its President.
February  28
The euro becomes the sole currency within the twelve participating Member States, as the period of dual circulation comes to an end.
The opening session of the Convention on the Future of Europe is held in Brussels.
March  15-16
A European Council is held in Barcelona, Spain. The Council focuses on economic, social and environmental issues, and gives priority to the interconnection of the European economies at the level of financial markets and energy, transport and communications networks, urging the speedy adoption of legislation for the opening of markets to this end. Policies concerning full employment and the development of a competitive knowledge-based economy are reinforced. Reference is also made to the Euro-Mediterranean partnership, relations with the United States and countries of the western Balkans, and the situation in Zimbabwe. A declaration on the worsening Israeli-Palestinian conflict is also adopted.
March  26
GALILEO, Europe's satellite navigation and positioning system, is launched.
April  10
The European Commission publishes a Green Paper on a Community return policy on illegal residents.
April  19
The European Commission publishes a Green Paper on alternative dispute resolution in civil and commercial law.
April  22
The EU and Algeria sign an Association Agreement in Valencia, Spain.
April  23
The European Commission adopts a proposal to combat Cybercrime.
May  8
A EU-Canada summit is held in Toledo, Spain.
May  17-18
A EU-Latin America and the Caribbean summit is held in Madrid, Spain.
May  18
A EU-Mexico summit is held in Madrid, Spain.
May  29
A EU-Russia summit is held in Moscow.
May  31
The European Union ratifies the Kyoto Protocol.
June  17
The EU and Lebanon sign an Association Agreement in Luxembourg.
June  21-22
A European Council is held in Seville, Spain.
July  4
A EU-Ukraine summit is held in Copenhagen, Denmark.
July  8
A EU-Japan summit is held in Tokyo.
July  23
The Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) expires after fifty years in force.
September  24
A EU-China summit is held in Copenhagen, Denmark.
September  24
A EU-Republic of Korea summit is held in Copenhagen, Denmark.
September  26
The first European Day of Languages is celebrated, and will continue to be celebrated annually in order to ensure that language issues remain visible throughout Europe.
October  9
The European Commission recommends the conclusion of accession negotiations by the end of the 2002 with the following countries: Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia. The Commission considers that these countries will be ready for EU membership from the beginning of 2004.
October  10
A EU-India summit is held in Copenhagen, Denmark.
October  19
In a second referendum, the Irish people vote in favour of the Treaty of Nice.
October  24-25
A European Council is held in Brussels, Belgium.
November  11
A EU-Russia summit takes place in Brussels, Belgium.
November  18
An EU-Chile Association agreement is signed in Brussels, Belgium.
December  12-13
A European Council is held in Copenhagen, Denmark.
December  19
An EU-Canada summit is held in Ottawa, Canada.


January  1
Greece takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The EU celebrates 10 years of the Single Market.
The EU celebrates 10 years of the Single Market.
January  15
The first European Union Police Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina is inaugurated.
January  26
The European Year of People with Disabilities is launched in Athens.
January  27-28
An EU-ASEAN Ministerial meeting is held in Brussels, Belgium.
February  17
An Extraordinary European Council is held in Brussels, Belgium.
March  8
A referendum is held in Malta on the country joining the European Union. The majority is in favour of accession.
March  14
EU and NATO sign Security Pact in Athens, Greece.
March  19
A vote is held in the European Parliament. The majority adopts a report giving the green light to the accession of Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, the Slovak Republic, and Slovenia in 2004.
March  20-21
Third annual Spring European Council is held in Brussels, Belgium. Ministers decide to step up efforts to implement the strategy for competitiveness, employment and social inclusion agreed in Lisbon. Ministers also discuss the situation in Iraq.
March  23
A referendum is held in Slovenia on the country joining the European Union. The majority is in favour of accession.
April  9
The European Parliament gives its assent to the accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia, and Slovakia to the European Union.
April  12
A referendum is held in Hungary on the country joining the EU. The majority is in favour of accession.
April  16
The Treaty of Accession between the EU and the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia, and Slovakia is signed in Athens, Greece.
May  10-11
A referendum is held in Lithuania on the country joining the European Union. The majority is in favour of accession.
May  16-17
A referendum is held in Slovakia on the country joining the European Union. The majority is in favour of accession.
May  28
A EU-Canada summit is held in Athens, Greece.
May  31
A EU-Russia summit is held in St. Petersburg, Russia.
June  7-8
A referendum is held in Poland on the country joining the European Union. The majority is in favour of accession.
June  13-14
A referendum is held in the Czech Republic on the country joining the European Union. The majority is in favour of accession
June  20-21
A European Council is held in Thessaloniki, Greece. The draft EU constitution is welcomed as a good basis for forthcoming negotiations on the future of Europe. EU leaders meet with representatives of the Balkan states and express their intention to include the latter in the European Union provided they promote democratic stability, the rule of law and economic development. Reference is also made to the importance of transatlantic relations for international stability.
June  25
A EU-US Summit is held in Washington DC. The European Union and the United States decide to cooperate in their fight against terrorism and arms proliferation. They decide to share information on suspect bank accounts, and to set up joint investigation teams. Reference is also made to the situation in Iran and North Korea, as well as to the ”Road Map” for peace in the Middle East. 
July  1
Italy takes over the Presidency of the European Union.

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