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This version of Europe Gateway is outdated since April 25, 2014.


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Media partners

Presentation of some of Europe Gateway's partnering media and organizations, with which the editorial team is cooperating in the implementation of various EU-related activities, communication projects and campaigns, as well as with which info exchange is taking place on a more regular basis. Since its creation in 2006, has become France's best know website on European affairs. Trilingual (Fr, En., Ger.) media of reference on Europe, explains the functioning and the policies of the EU as well as covering European news and current affairs from all perspectives - politics, economics, culture and history. Observatory of European media and political trends, it relays new ideas and trends about Europe (monitoring of European think tanks and the blogosphere). Space of expression and participation open to our readers, maps the perceptions and the expectations of European citizens by organising debates and running consultations and surveys on issues of European interest. 



Radio France Internationale - Romania. With its Romanian-language programs, RFI Romania covers a large number of Romanian citizens in Bucharest and in other important Romanian cities. The RFI programs are Europe-oriented and targeted towards various audiences. So far, they have successfully cooperated with Europe Gateway in Bulgaria – as part of the European Institute Foundation – in exchanging information in fields linked to the European integration of our two neighbouring countries. 




Radio Bulgaria – the world service of the Bulgarian National Radio. For seventy years the world service of the Bulgarian radio, now called Radio Bulgaria, has been presenting the country’s cultural and national identity to the world. It is a principal source of information from and about Bulgaria for millions of listeners outside its borders. And this is corroborated by the enormous amount of feedback from people of all continents – people who have been listening to us for years, but also more and more newcomers to Radio Bulgaria. This multimillion listening audience is Radio Bulgaria’s best collective correspondent. Europe Gateway and Radio Bulgaria are co-producing a series of thematic radio-programs, focusing on the functioning of the European parliament.



Im voraus
Die EU-Fonds für Bulgarien
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Ein Projekt von Europäisches Institut | Centre for policy modernisation | EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy |
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