Bulgaria - EU

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CHAPTER I Current payments and movement of capital

Article 60

The Parties undertake to authorize, in freely convertible currency, any payments on the current account of balance of payments to the extent that the transactions underlying the payments concern movements of goods, services, or persons between the Parties which have been liberalized pursuant to this Agreement.

Article 61

1. With regard to transactions on the capital account of balance of payments, from entry into force of the Agreement, the Member States and Bulgaria respectively shall ensure the free movement of capital relating to direct investments made in companies formed in accordance with the laws of the host country and investments made in accordance to the provisions of Chapter II of Title IV, and the liquidation or repatriation of these investments and of any profit stemming therefrom. Notwithstanding the above provision, such free movement, liquidation and repatriation shall be ensured by the end of the first stage referred to in Article 7 for all investments linked to establishment of Community nationals establishing in Bulgaria as self-employed persons pursuant to Chapter II of Title IV.
2. Without prejudice to paragraph 1, the Member States, as from the entry into force of the Agreement, and Bulgaria as from the end of the fifth year following the entry into force of the Agreement, shall not introduce any new foreign exchange restrictions on the movement of capital and current payments connected therewith between residents of the Community and Bulgaria and shall not make the existing arrangements more restrictive.
3. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not prevent Bulgaria from applying restrictions on outward investments by Bulgarian nationals and companies. However, the liquidation or repatriation of investments made in Bulgaria and of any profit stemming therefrom shall not be affected.
4. Tthe Parties shall consult each other with a view to facilitating the movement of capital between the Community and Bulgaria in order to promote the objectives of this Agreement.

Article 62

1. During the five years following the date of entry into force of the Agreement, the Parties shall take measures permitting the creation of the necessary conditions for the further gradual application of Community rules on the free movement of capital.
2. By the end of the fifth year from the entry into force of the Agreement, the Association Council shall examine ways of enabling Community rules on the movement of capital to be applied in full.

Article 63

With reference to the provisions of this chapter, and notwithstanding the provisions of Article 65, until a full convertibility of Bulgarian currency in the meaning of Article VIII of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is introduced, Bulgaria may in exceptional circumstances apply exchange restrictions connected with the granting or taking up of short and medium-term credits to the extent that such restrictions are imposed on Bulgaria for the granting of such credits and are permitted according to Bulgaria's status under the IMF. Bulgaria shall apply these restrictions in a non-discriminatory manner. They shall be applied in such a manner as to cause the least possible disruption to this Agreement. Bulgaria shall inform the Association Council promptly of the introduction of such measures and of any changes therein.

CHAPTER II Competition and other economic provisions

Article 64

1. The following are incompatible with the proper functioning of this Agreement, in so far as they may affect trade between the Community and Bulgaria:
(i) all Agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices between undertakings which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition;
(ii) abuse by one or more undertakings of a dominant position in the territories of the Community or of Bulgaria as a whole or in a substantial part thereof;
(iii) any public aid which distorts or threatens to distort competition by favouring certain undertakings or the production of certain goods.
2. Any practices contrary to this Article shall be assessed on the basis of criteria arising from the application of the rules of Articles 85, 86, and 92 of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community.
3. The Association Council shall, within three years of the entry into force of the Agreement, adopt the necessary rules for the implementation of paragraphs 1 and 2.
4. (a) For the purposes of applying the provision of paragraph 1, point (iii), the Parties recognize that during the first five years after the entry into force of the Agreement, any public aid granted by Bulgaria shall be assessed taking into account the fact that Bulgaria shall be regarded as an area identical to those areas of the Community described in Article 92 (3)
(a) of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community. The Association Council shall, taking into account the economic situation of Bulgaria, decide whether that period should be extended by further periods of five years.
(b) Each Party shall ensure transparency in the area of public aid, inter alia by reporting annually to the other Party on the total amount and the distribution of the aid given and by providing, upon request, information on aid schemes. Upon request by one Party, the other Party shall provide information on particular individual cases of public aid.
5. With regard to products referred to in Chapers II and III of Title III: - the provision of paragraph 1 (iii) does not apply, - any practices contrary to paragraph 1 (i) should be assessed according to the criteria established by the Community on the basis of Articles 42 and 43 of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community and in particular of those established in Council Regulation No 26/1962.
6. If the Community or Bulgaria considers that a particular practice is incompatible with the terms of paragraph 1, and: - is not adequately dealt with under the implementing rules referred to in paragraph 3, or - in the absence of such rules, and if such practice causes or threatens to cause serious prejudice to the interest of the other Party or material injury to its domestic industry, including its services industry, it may take appropriate measures after consultation within the Association Council or after 30 working days following referral for such consultation. In the case of practices incompatible with paragraph 1 (iii) of this Article, such appropriate measures may, where the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade applies thereto, only be adopted in conformity with the procedures and under the conditions laid down by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and any other relevant instrument negotiated under its auspices which are applicable between the Parties.
7. Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary adopted in conformity with paragraph 3, the Parties shall exchange information taking into account the limitations imposed by the requirements of professional and business secrecy.
8. This Article shall not apply to the products covered by the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community which are the subject of Protocol 2.

Article 65

1. The Parties shall endeavour to avoid the imposition of restrictive measures including measures relating to imports for balance of payments purposes. In the event of their introduction, the Party having introduced the same shall present to the other Party a time schedule for their removal.
2. Where one or more Member States or Bulgaria is in serious balance of payments difficulties, or under imminent threat thereof, the Community or Bulgaria, as the case may be, may, in accordance with the conditions established under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, adopt restrictive measures, including measures relating to imports, which shall be of limited duration and may not go beyond what is necessary to remedy the balance of payments situation. The Community or Bulgaria, as the case may be, shall inform the other Party forthwith.
3. Any restrictive measures shall not apply to transfers related to investments and in particular to the repatriation of amounts invested or reinvested and of any kind of revenues stemming therefrom.

Article 66

With regard to public undertakings and undertakings to which special or exclusive rights have been granted, the Association Council shall ensure that, as from the third year from the date of entry into force of the Agreement, the principles of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, notably Article 90, and the principles of the concluding document of the April 1990 Bonn meeting of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (notably entrepreneurs' freedom of decision) are upheld. Article 67 1. Bulgaria shall continue to improve the protection of intellectual, industrial and commercial property rights in order to provide, by the end of the fifth year after the entry into force of the Agreement, for a level of protection similar to that existing in the Community, including comparable means of enforcing such rights.
2. Within the same time, Bulgaria shall apply to accede to the Munich Convention on the Grant of European Patents of 5 October 1973. Bulgaria shall also accede to the other multilateral convention(s) on intellectual, industrial and commercial property rights (referred to in paragraph 1 of Annex XVI) to which Member States are Parties, or which are de facto applied by Member States.

Article 68

1. The Parties consider the opening up of the award of public contracts on the basis of the principles of non-discrimination and reciprocity, in particular in the GATT context, to be a desirable objective.
2. The Bulgarian companies as defined in Article 49 shall be granted access to contract award procedures in the Community pursuant to Community procurement rules under a treatment no less favourable than that accorded to Community companies as of the entry into force of the Agreement. Community companies as defined in Article 49 shall be granted access to contract award procedures in Bulgaria under a treatment no less favourable than that accorded to Bulgarian companies at the latest at the end of the transitional period referred to in Article 7. Community companies established in Bulgaria under the provisions of Chapter II of Title IV in the form of subsidiaries as described in Article 45 and in the forms described in Article 55 shall have upon entry into force of the Agreement access to contract award procedures under a treatment no less favourable than that accorded to Bulgarian companies. Community companies established in Bulgaria in the form of branches and agencies as described in Article 45 shall be granted such treatment at the latest by the end of the transitional period. The Association Council shall periodically examine the possibility for Bulgaria to introduce access to award procedures in Bulgaria for all Community companies prior to the end of the transitional period.
3. As regards establishment, operations, supply of services between the Community and Bulgaria, as well as employment and movement of labour linked to the fulfilment of public contracts, the provisions of Articles 38 to 59 are applicable.

CHAPTER III Approximation of laws

Article 69

The Parties recognize that an important condition for Bulgaria's economic integration into the Community is the approximation of Bulgaria's existing and future legislation to that of the Community. Bulgaria shall endeavour to ensure that its legislation will be gradually made compatible with that of the Community.

Article 70

The approximation of laws shall extend to the following areas in particular: customs law, company law, banking law, company accounts and taxes, intellectual property, protection of workers at the workplace, financial services, rules on competition, protection of health and life of humans, animals and plants, consumer protection, indirect taxation, technical rules and standards, nuclear law and regulation, transport and the environment.

Article 71

The Community shall provide Bulgaria with technical assistance for the implementation of these measures, which may include inter alia:
- the exchange of experts, - the provision of early information especially on relevant legislation,
- organization of seminars,
- training activities,
- aid for the translation of Community legislation in the relevant sectors.

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