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Meglena Kuneva: I Will Continue To Be Commissioner for Consumer Protection

Meglena Kuneva will continue to be EU commissioner for consumer protection. "This decision is above all ambitions and above any personal agenda" she said, quoted by Focus Agency.

"The European commission will do everything in its powers to support Boiko Borisov and his government", she added. During her talks with Barroso he indicated that he wanted to see Bulgaria as a strong country in the European Union. "Let us not blame the EC for bad communication. Let us work together with the European commission so that this communication takes place. We are faced by difficult months in Europe, as well as in Bulgaria. The most important decisions in Bulgaria are connected to the economic crisis", the Commissioner said.

Kuneva said that Bulgaria needed the help of Europe and the EU funding. She noted that the EU had always helped Bulgaria. "The European Commission has never failed to demonstrate its solidarity with our country, to be patient and to support every effort of our country", she added. In her opinion we would need this support even more in the months to come.

Meglena Kuneva congratulated Boiko Borisov for his victory in the elections and said that people had given him a clear mandate to work for Bulgaria. "Bulgaria needs stability and a stable government able to make difficult decisions. There are some hard decisions to be made both in Bulgaria and in the EU", Kuneva said.


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