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Borisov Visits Brussels

Prime Minister Boiko Borisov will make his first working visit in Brussels heading a Bulgarian delegation today and tomorrow, reports.

In the afternoon he will meet with European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) Director Franz-Hermann Bruner in the building of the Permanent Representation of Bulgaria in Brussels.

The working agenda of Prime Minister Borisov includes meetings with the head of European People's Party Wilfried Martens and with the chair of the EPP group in European Parliament Joseph Daul.

On Thursday, September 10, the Prime Minister will have working meetings with EP President Jerzy Buzek and with Commissioner for Environment Stavros Dimas. In the late afternoon Boiko Borisov has a meeting with the President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso in the building of the European Commission.

The delegation headed by the Prime Minister includes Deputy Prime Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov, Minister of Foreign Affairs Rumiana Jeleva, ministers Rosen Plevneliev, Traicho Traikov, Nona Karadzhova, Miroslav Naidenov and Margarita Popova, the Secretary of the European Funds Management Council Yuliana Nikolova, as well as the ambassador and permanent representative of Bulgaria in Brussels, Boiko Kotsev.

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