European Parliament / News

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Guy Verhofstadt, ALDE leader, welcomes that the High Representative is calling the EU Foreign Ministers together on Ukraine on Thursday this week.

He said "Tomorrow's extra-ordinary meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council must focus on a reinforced EU response to the violence and crack-down in Ukraine.

The Foreign Ministers should focus on three initial elements:

- The urgent deployment of a High level EU mediation team to assist in the talks between the government and the opposition. This delegation should depart for Kiev as soon as possible and have a broad mandate and full political backing of the whole European Union.

- The introduction of targeted individual sanctions and asset freeze of those in charge of the violent crack-down. It is clear that President Yanukovych must be on this list, along with key ministers in his government.

- A coordinated strategy for urgent medical assistance inside or outside Ukraine for those wounded in the clashes.

These first steps must be accompanied by decisions on a substantial financial assistance and strong pressure to restore the access to the blocked media and TV channels in Ukraine.”

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