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This version of Europe Gateway is outdated since April 25, 2014.

Actualités / Analyses

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Half of all Bulgarians think that the standard of living has lowered after Bulgaria joined the EU

37.2% of all Bulgarians think that after the country's accession to the EU the level of corruption has risen. This is the result of a research presented today carried out by the Institute of Sociology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the National Center for Public Opinion Research, Mediapool announced.

According to the people surveyed, this is caused mainly by the new opportunities for corruption practices related to the EU funds allocation.

Corruption is identified as a problem mainly by men, people between 50-59 years of age, Bulgarians with secondary or higher education, people working in the private sector and by the inhabitants of towns which are not district centers.

One fifth (21.5%) of the inquired think that our country has lost from its EU membership - these are mainly people above 60 years of age and unemployed. According to 34.2% of all Bulgarians, our country has neither lost nor gained anything from its EU membership, and a little more- 32.5% reckon that Bulgaria has benefited by its accession to the EU.

On the question if the standard of living in the country has improved, a positive answer is given by wealthy Bulgarians only - 9.7%. 37.9% of the surveyed see no change and half of the inquired or 49.8% say that it has lowered.

The economic differentiation is defined as a problem mainly by the Bulgarians over 60 years of age and by the poor.

According to 89.8% of the survey the most important task before our country is the enhancement of the living standard, 60.5% - the maintenance of high economic growth, 58.5% - the observance of law, 27,8 % - the building of infrastructure and others.


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