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Le Parlement europeen / Conférence internationale « Europe 2020 – visions citoyennes »

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Panel 3

Each panel will host participants, representing think-tanks, grass-root CSOs, the academia and MEPs and will be moderated by independent facilitators.

Panel 3 will be moderated by Mrs. Lubov Panayotova - director of the European Institute.

The panel work will start with the presentations and continue with discussion and brainstorming. Each panel will result in a draft common concept on what Europe should look like in 2020 in the domains, related to the panel topic, including ideas about the ways and activities, through which the proposed goals could be achieved.

Those three concepts will be presented at the conference’s closing plenary session and, taking them together, we will try to summarize the civic viewpoints about the key development drivers of EU 2020.

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