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Le Parlement europeen / Actualités

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Irish Referendum: Disappointment with negative result. Joseph Daul, EPP-ED Group Chairman

Joseph Daul, Chairman of the EPP-ED Group in the European Parliament has expressed his disappointment at the rejection of the Lisbon Treaty in the Irish referendum.

Results of the vote announced this morning indicate that the final outcome will be negative.

Speaking today Mr Daul said: "While I am disappointed with the "No" vote in Ireland we must accept the decision of the Irish voters, and deal with the consequences. The Irish Government will have to give the reasons for this defeat at the European Council next week.

It is important now that the ratification process continues in the other Member States to give a clear signal that Europe is serious about reform, greater efficiency and improved democracy at European level. "I can only hope that the ratification process can be completed before the European elections in June 2009," declared Joseph Daul.

Unfortunately much of the debate in Ireland was dominated by issues that have nothing to do with the content of the Lisbon Treaty. A dishonest campaign was carried out to create confusion and doubt. Untruths about taxation, neutrality and other issues destroyed all attempts at a normal informed campaign.

Despite the result Mr Daul acknowledged the role played by the leader of the opposition in Ireland, Enda Kenny TD, and also that of the five Fine Gael MEPs.

"Enda Kenny showed real leadership in putting the interests of the country before party politics and campaigning for a "Yes" vote on Lisbon.

"I know that my colleagues Avril Doyle MEP, Colm Burke MEP, Jim Higgins MEP and Mairead McGuinness MEP, led by Fine Gael Director of Elections, Gay Mitchell MEP campaigned vigorously throughout Ireland and their hard work is much appreciated."

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