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Le Parlement europeen / Actualités

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Kosovo must not become Europe's forgotten backyard

Foreign Affairs Committee demands clear line from EU Member States

EU Member States must find a coherent approach towards Kosovo, the European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee demanded today. The EPP Group Shadow Rapporteur on the Resolution, Bernd Posselt MEP, welcomed the outcome of the vote which reflected the key EPP Group demands: strengthening the independence of Kosovo, enlarging the EU mission EULEX to the entire country including the partly Serb-controlled north Mitrovica, a clear EU perspective and the aim of visa liberalisation for the citizens of Kosovo. Posselt also welcomed the Committee's call for Serbia not to block the membership of Kosovo in international organisations.

"Kosovo must not become Europe's forgotten backyard. The stability in South Eastern Europe depends on all countries in the region developing viable democratic structures within the rule of law. The EU must not paralyse itself over Kosovo", Posselt said. To date, 66 states, amongst them 22 EU members, have recognised the independence of Kosovo. Posselt asked the 5 EU Member States who have not yet recognised Kosovo to do so.

"Serbia and Kosovo in particular had to co-operate, if they did not want to harm their own political and economic future", Posselt said. He welcomed the fact that more and more members of the Serbian minority are beginning to participate in local self-government.

The European Parliament is expected to vote on the Report on Kosovo on 7 July in Strasbourg.

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