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Le Parlement europeen / Actualités

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Hungary: EPP Group rejects politically motivated accusations on the Media Act. Joseph Daul MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group

"The EPP Group in the European Parliament reaffirms its strong commitment to the protection of freedoms and rights, including the freedom of press. At the same time, it rejects all politically motivated accusations against the Hungarian government. The Commission is, rightfully, analysing the conformity of this law to the European legislation. The EPP Group is confident that, should some elements of the Media law have to be changed, Hungary would do so, as Prime Minister Orbán had already declared", said Joseph Daul, Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament.

At the Group meeting held today, the EPP Group expressed its solidarity and support towards the Hungarian government on the Media Act.

"The EPP Group calls on other political Groups in the European Parliament to stop making manipulative comments on the Hungarian Media Act and the Hungarian government, and considers that these critics cause the most harm to the whole European Union, which is facing its biggest challenges since its creation", highlighted Joseph Daul.

"We would like to recall that the Hungarian centre-right government and its leading force, the Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Union, have proved their commitment towards the European Union and its democratic values in the last two decades. The Fidesz Party itself was born in a media trial, at the end of the Communist era in the late 1980's, through the protection of the freedom of press", pointed out the Chairman of the EPP Group.

"In addition, we would also like to draw attention to the fact that last week, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán assured that if the European Commission's analysis finds it necessary, the Hungarian Media Act will be modified. This openness shows further proof of Mr Orbán's commitment towards European democratic values", underlined Joseph Daul.

"The EPP Group will base its judgement on the legal analysis of the European Commission, and is confident that, should any element of the law be found to be incompatible with EU standards, the Hungarian government and parliament will work to remedy this. In a time of great challenges for Europe, the EPP Group will do its utmost to help the Hungarian government to succeed as President of the EU Council", concluded Joseph Daul, Chairman of the EPP Group.

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