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This version of Europe Gateway is outdated since April 25, 2014.

Le Parlement europeen / Actualités

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2014 Budget guidelines: The European Parliament wants a budget that combats the crisis and stimulates youth employment

During the Strasbourg plenary session today the European Parliament approved the budget guidelines for 2014 based on realistic proposals from Anne JENSEN (Venstre, Denmark). 2014 will be the first year of the new multiannual financial framework and its realisation is closely linked to the negotiations which are starting between the Parliament and the Council on programming legislation for the period 2014-2020. The definition of the 2014 budget will also be highly dependent on the proper execution of the 2013 budget and in this regard, Mrs. Jensen's report is concerned about the insufficient level of payments for the current year, notwithstanding the delays in payments for 2012.

Anne Jensen said: "It may seem odd to speak of the 2014 budget when we do not even know what will happen with the 2013 budget, nor the result of difficult negotiations we are starting with the Council on the MFF. Despite of all these uncertainties we must nevertheless set guidelines, as required by the budgetary procedure. ".

"The 2014 policies and budget for Parliament fall into three categories. Firstly, not knowing the future of the MFF, we must consolidate the legal basis for our common policies in order to secure funding in all cases. Then the situation must be clarified in terms of payments appropriations. They have been underfunded in recent years and it is out of the question that the 2014 budget be based on a budget in deficit. It's understandable that savings need to be made but we cannot save money just for the sake of saving money, savings must be made wisely. Finally a budget promoting growth and employment should be politically visible "

"It is this last point that is the most important in the eyes of our fellow citizens who expect Europe to help them overcome the crisis and their daily difficulties. The EU budget should primarily serve to increase our competitiveness and invest in energy infrastructure, digital, transport and research, but we must also give a social orientation to the budget. In many Member States there is the nagging problem of youth unemployment. The 2014 budget should therefore give the opportunity for further learning and training to young Europeans in search of a job ".

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