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Le Parlement europeen / Interactif / Audio

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The EP, the MEPs and the Citizens” - Voxbox discussion (audio recording)

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"The EP, the MEPs and the Citizens - Evaluating the Outgoing Term and Drawing the Challenges of the Next" was the topic of the discussion which tool place in Voxbox Studio in the European Parliament in Brussels on March 18, 2008.

The discussion was held within the "Now - Interacting with the European Union!" Initiative and was broadcast live on Europe Gateway. The communication campaign is implemented as part of a project approved in the Annual Work Programme of EP for 2008 for grants by DG "Communication", implemented by the European Institute Foundation.

The project teams is offering an audio recording of the discussion in six parts.

Participants in the conversation are: Antonio López-Istúriz (Spain) - Secretary General of European People's Party, Adina Valean (Romania) - deputy leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) in the EP, Wilfried Ruetten, director of the European Journalism Centre (EJC) and Julia De Clerck-Sachsse from the Centre for European Policy Studies also joined the discussion as experts.

Moderators of the discussion are the editor-in-chief of Europe Gateway Ognian Boyadzhiev and the journalist from Radio Bulgaria Iva Letnikova.

To see the video recording, please click here.

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