Page d’accueil - Union européen - Histoire de l'UE - Chronologie
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This version of Europe Gateway is outdated since April 25, 2014.

Union européen / Histoire de l'UE / Chronologie

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History of EU


January  1
Belgium takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
March  4
The Commission submits to the Council a memorandum on the preparation of a plan for the establishment of economic and monetary union.
March  6
The Council assigns a committee of experts presided by Pierre Werner, to put out proposals for achieving economic and monetary union and entrusts a second committee of experts presided by Etienne Davignon, to issue proposals for political cooperation.
March  10
Mr Mario Scelba is re-elected president of the European Parliament.
April  22
Signature of the Treaty of Luxembourg. The Council decides the gradual introduction of a system of own-resources under which the Community will receive all customs duties on products imported from non-member countries, all levies on agricultural imports and resources deriving from value-added tax. They also decide to extend the budgetary powers of the European Parliament.
May  13
A commemorative setting is held to mark the twentieth anniversary of the Schuman declaration.
June  30
Negotiations with four prospective Member States (Denmark, Ireland, Norway and the United Kingdom) open in Luxembourg.
July  1
Germany takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
July  2
The new Commission, with Franco Maria Malfatti as its President takes office.
October  8
The Council issues a final report on the Commission memorandum on the establishment of economic and monetary union.
October  26
The Council reaches an agreement on the principles and procedures for implementing Community action in the regional policy field.
October  27
The Member States approve the Davignon Report on political cooperation. The objective is to get Europe to speak with a single voice on all major international problems.
November  26
The Council decides to reform the European Social Fund (ESF) in order to provide the Community with a suitable instrument for ensuring correlation between the social policy and the other common policies.
December  17
Internationale Handelsgesellschaft ruling. The European Court of Justice clarifies the idea of fundamental rights in Community law. It declares that protection of those rights, although inspired by the constitutional traditions common to the Member States, must be secured within the framework of the Community's structure and objectives.


January  1
France takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
The second Yaoundé Convention and Arusha Agreements enter into force.
January  11-13
The annual meeting of the Parliamentary Conference of the EEC- African States and Madagascar (AASM) Association is held in Yaoundé, Cameroon.
February  12
The European Parliament adopts a resolution on the Commission report on the stage reached in implementing Council Directives concerning the achievement of freedom of establishment and freedom to supply services. The resolution stresses that the Member States should implement the directives adopted and that the Commission should supervise their proper application.
March  22
The Council adopts the Werner Plan to strengthen coordination of economic policies. The Member States have to take measures to harmonise their budgetary policies and to reduce the margins of fluctuation between their currencies.
March  31
European Agreement on Road Transport (AETR) ruling. The European Court of Justice develops principles that draw the line between the powers of the Community and those of the Member States. It makes clear that, as common rules are introduced, only the Community is in a position to take over and fulfil, in respect of the entire field of application of the Community legal order, obligations undertaken vis-à-vis non-member States.
May  12
The Council introduces a system of monetary compensatory amounts for trade in agricultural products between Member States in order to maintain the unity of the common agricultural market.
May  25
Defrenne ruling. The European Court of Justice rules that a retirement pension which forms part of a system of social security provided for by law does not constitute a benefit paid indirectly by the employer to the worker by reason of the latter's employment.
June  3
The Ministers of Justice of the Community meet for the first time in Luxembourg. They sign two protocols that, after ratification by the Member States, will grant new powers to the Court of Justice.
June  7
The European Parliament adopts a resolution on competition rules and the position of Community enterprises in the Common market and the world economy. The resolution called on the Commission to submit to the Parliament a special annual review of competition policy developments.
June  30
Applicant countries to the European Communities, namely Denmark Ireland, Norway and the United Kingdom, outline their respective negotiating positions.
July  1
Italy takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
September  21-28
The 15th general conference on atomic energy is held in Vienna, Austria. The Council mandate to the Commission to negotiate an agreement on guarantees with the International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) is announced.
November  16-26
27th session of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).


January  1
Luxembourg takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
January  22
Signature, by Denmark, Ireland, Norway and the United Kingdom, of the Treaties of accession to the European Communities.
March  14
Signature, by Denmark, Ireland, Norway and the United Kingdom, of the Treaties of accession to the European Communities.
March  21
Franco Maria Malfatti, the President of the Commission, resigns and is replaced by Vice-President Sicco Mansholt. The Council adopts a resolution based on a general conspectus by the Commission of the conditions for achieving the first stage of economic and monetary union.
April  13-21/5
The third United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is held in Santiago, Chile.
April  24
The currency "snake" is set up: the Six agree to limit the margin of fluctuation between their currencies to 2.25%.
April  24-25
The Council approves the Association Agreement admitting Mauritius to the Convention between the EC and the Associated African States and Madagascar (AASM).
May  1
The European Social Fund (ESF), as reformed by the Council decision of February 1971, becomes operational.
May  10
A referendum is held in Ireland on the country joining the European Communities. The vast majority is in favour of accession.
June  5-6
The Council decides to extend the scope of the generalised preferences to cover the developing countries which have joined the group of the seventy-seven, together with a number of other countries and territories, with effect from January 1973. It also agrees on the lines to be followed by the Community in the examination of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Accession Treaty.
July  1
The Netherlands take over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
September  12
The Ministers of Finance of the six and of the four countries that applied for membership meet in Rome, Italy. They agree that in the first stage of economic and monetary union it is necessary to set up a European Monetary Cooperation Fund.
September  18
Agreements on preferential trade with Egypt and Lebanon are signed.
September  19
Signature of an agreement on preferential trade with Cyprus.
September  25
A referendum is held in Norway on the country joining the European Communities. The majority is unfavourable to accession.
October  2
A referendum is held in Denmark on the country joining the European Communities. The majority is in favour of accession.
October  9
Following the unfavourable vote of the referendum, the Norwegian Government declares that Norway will not bring the accession ratification Bill before the Parliament. The European Parliament passes a resolution containing definite suggestions and requests for the abolition of checks at intra-Community frontiers.
October  16
The United Kingdom ratifies the acts relating to the accession to the European Communities.
October  19-21
A Summit meeting is held in Paris, France. Heads of State or Government define new fields of Community action (concerning regional, environmental, social, energy and industrial policies) and reaffirm 1980 as the deadline for the achievement of economic and monetary union.
November  1-14
A General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) meeting is held in Geneva, Switzerland.


January  1
Belgium takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom join the European Communities.
The Community Free Trade Agreement with Austria, Switzerland, Portugal and Sweden comes into force.
January  6
Mr. Francois Xavier Ortoli takes office as President of the European Commission.
February  8
The European Confederation of Trade Unions is set up.
February  21
Continental Can ruling. The European Court of Justice agrees that, within the meaning of the EEC Treaty, it constitutes an abuse for undertakings to concentrate and achieve a degree of power that virtually eliminates competition.
March  13
Mr Cornelis Berkhouwer is elected President of the European Parliament.
April  1
The Community's industrial Free Trade Agreement with Iceland comes into force.
April  6
The EEC-Spain Joint Committee holds its third meeting in Madrid, Spain. The Spanish delegation gives an account of its Government's standpoint on the future of relations between Spain and the Community, particularly with a view to the negotiations of a new agreement.
June  1
The Association Agreement and the additional protocol between the Community and Cyprus comes into force.
July  1
Denmark takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Communities. The Community's industrial Free Trade Agreement with Norway comes into force.
July  3-7
The Opening session of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) is held in Helsinki, Finland.
September  12-14
A General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) ministerial meeting is held in Tokyo, Japan. The parties involved agree on the necessity to set up a monetary system that shields the world economy from shocks and imbalances; they also recognise that the new phase in the liberalisation of trade should facilitate the orderly functioning of the monetary system.
October  5
Finland signs an industrial Free Trade Agreement with the Communities.
October  6-27
Kippour war. Petroleum-producers countries decide to reduce or ban exports towards some occidental countries and the Organisation of Petrol-Producers (OPEP) countries decides to massively increase petroleum prices.
October  15
The Council adopts a set of measures for improving its relations with the European Parliament. These envisage increased participation by the Council in the work of the Parliament in the conclusion of trade agreements as well as an improved procedure of consultation with the Parliament.
November  6
The nine declare their commitment to a pacific solution of the Middle-East crisis.
November  20
The Council discusses in detail the measures proposed by the Commission regarding the reorganisation of the common agricultural policy (CAP) that is to be set into place by end 1977.
December  14-15
A summit conference is held in Copenhagen, Denmark. The energy crisis leads the Member States to agree on the introduction of a common energy policy. A statement on the European identity, drafted as part of political cooperation arrangements and approved by Foreign Ministers, is released.


January  1
Germany takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
Agreements between the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and Austria, Portugal, Switzerland and Sweden come into force.
Finland's industrial Free Trade Agreement with the Communities comes into force.
January  31
The Commission addresses to the Heads of Government a declaration on the state of the Community. The declaration stresses the need to get Europe moving again bringing national policies closer into line and by working out common policies. The Parliament declares that the unity of Europe can only be realised if the Community institutions are enabled to pursue a policy funded on real European solidarity.
February  11-12
The Council formally recognises the right of the Economic and Social committee (ESC) to issue opinions on it own initiative. It also agrees that the Committee publishes its own opinions.
April  1
Following a change of Government in the United Kingdom, the British secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs makes a statement to the Council on the new Government's policy on the Community. He calls for major changes in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), "fairer methods of financing the Community budget" and solutions to monetary problems.
April  2
A Joint declaration on the state of the Community is submitted to the Council. The Presidents of the Council and of the Commission recognise that the decision-making process must be improved if any progress is to be made on substantive matters and if the ability of the Community to work is to be guaranteed in the long term. They also make a number of practical proposals.
May  29-30
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Council Meeting (ministerial level). Sir Christopher Soames, Vice-President of the Commission, emphasises the need to strengthen international cooperation and to continue working towards the more and more extensive liberalisation of world trade. The OECD Council adopts a declaration stressing the seriousness of the economic difficulties in the member countries, particularly those relating to deficits on international payments.
June  4
The Council considers the procedures it should adopt for the examination of problems raised by the United Kingdom and discusses the way the Community institutions work. Some agreement is reached on the improvements to be made in the decision-making progress.
June  10
The Council takes two decisions on the granting of assistance from the European Social Fund towards certain specific measures on behalf of handicapped persons and migrant workers.
June  21
Reyners ruling. The European Court of justice rules that whenever a national of a Member State wishes to set up in business in another Member State, the other Member State is obliged to refrain from applying any law, regulation or administrative provision or practice which might discriminate against him as opposed to its own nationals.
July  1
France takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
July  15
The European Court of Justice transmits a paper on the European Union to the other Community institutions. It is the first institution to respond to the invitation made by the 1972 Summit Conference held in Paris, France.
July  25-26
A EU - African, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP) States joint ministerial conference is held in Kingston, Jamaica. It emphasises the political resolve of the ACP states and the Community to adopt the convention within the time limits imposed by the expiry of the Yaounde Convention and the Arusha agreement. What is more, political guidelines making further progress on a number of points are agreed upon.
September  17
The Council formally approves directives for the negotiation of comprehensive agreements with Spain, Israel, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia and the extension of the existing agreement with Malta to cover cooperation and agriculture.
November  14-16
A World Food Conference is held in Rome, Italy. The Community, conscious of the acute food crisis facing many developing countries, steps up its efforts in the field of food aid and participates in the works of the Conference helping find a medium or long term solution to the food supply problem.
November  26
The Council decides to adjust the Treaty provisions relating to the European Court of Justice with a view to improving the Court's procedural machinery to enable it to cope with an increased workload. It is decided that certain requests for preliminary rulings concerning matters of a technical nature, or for which there is already an established body of case law, may be assigned by the Court to its Chamber provided that no Member State objects and no institution asks for the case to be heard by the full Court.
November  30
The agreements between the European Coal and Steel Community and Norway and Finland are ratified by all Member States of the Community. These agreements will come into force on January 1, 1975.
December  3
The Council reaches an agreement on the content of a draft Treaty on the budgetary powers of the Parliament and the setting up of a Court of Auditors. Binsbergen ruling. The European Court of Justice rules that the Freedom to provide services Community law may be directly invoked by parties before national courts to the extent that the object of the provision is to abolish all discrimination against the person providing services on the basis of his nationality or the fact that he resides in another Member State rather than the one where the services are to be provided.
December 9-10
A Summit meeting is held in Paris, France. The Community's Heads of State or Government decide to hold meetings three times a year as the European Council, they give the go-ahead for direct elections to the European Parliament, agree to set up the European Regional Development Fund and resolved to establish economic and monetary union. They also ask Mr Tindemans, the Belgian Prime Minister, to produce a summary report on the European Union by the end of 1975.
December 19
Representatives of the Governments of the Member States decide to extend until January 5, 1977 the term of office of the President of the Commission, Mr Francois-Xavier Ortoli.


January  1
Ireland takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
January  15-16
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Interim Committee Board of Governors meets in Washington DC, USA. It agrees to increase the total of member countries' quota, to abolish the official price of gold and to give the special drawing right the central place in the international monetary system.
January  22
The Council agrees to release a second instalment of $100 million under the Community's undertakings to contribute to a total of $500 million for the Emergency Operation on behalf of the developing countries most seriously affected by the increase in international prices.
February  28
The Community and the 46 African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP) sign, in Lome, Togo, a Convention, known as Lome I, to replace the Yaounde Conventions.
March  10-11
The European Council holds its first meeting in Dublin, Ireland. Major decisions are taken enabling the United Kingdom Government to recommend continued membership of the Community. A declaration relating to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe is adopted.
March  11
Mr. Georges Spenale is elected President of the European Parliament.
March  18
The Council sets up the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and a Regional Policy Committee.
The Council adopts a European unit of account based on a composite basket of the Community currencies. It will be used initially under the Lome Convention and for the European Investment Bank operations. It will later be gradually introduced into other sectors of Community activities.
Mr Harold Wilson, the British Prime Minister, states in the House of Commons that the UK Government would recommend the British people to vote "yes" in the referendum on the United Kingdom's continued membership of the Community.
March  20
The Florence European University Institute is officially established by the first meeting of the High Council and the appointment of a Principal.
March  27
The British Government publishes a White Paper on the outcome of renegotiations.
April  9
In the British House of Commons, 369 members voted in favour of the United Kingdom staying in the Community with 170 voting against it.
April 14
The Council adopts a preliminary programme for a consumer protection and information policy.
April  28
The Additional Protocol extending the application of the EEC-Greece Association Agreement to the three new Member States and an interim Agreement on the advance implementation of the trade provisions of the Additional Protocol are signed in Brussels.
May  9
Ceremonies are held to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the "Schuman Declaration".
May  11
A new EEC-Israel Agreement is signed in Brussels. It replaces the 1970 Agreement and contains cooperation clauses in addition to the trade provisions.
June  5
The outcome of the British referendum reveals that 67.2% of voters are in favour of the United Kingdom remaining a member of the Community.
June  12
Greece formally applies to join the European Communities.
June  23-27
The Community participates in the first session of the World Food Council held in Rome, Italy, set up following the World food Conference of 1974.
June  24-25
The Council or the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting in the Council, adopt a number of regulations enabling the African, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP) States to benefit from the trade provisions of the Lome Convention as of July 1, before the Convention officially enters into force.
July  1
Italy takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
July  15
The Community and Mexico sign a trade agreement.
July  16-17
A European Council is held in Brussels, Belgium. The European Council asks the Foreign Affairs Council for a report on the election of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage. The report is to be issued by the end of the year.
July  22
A Treaty giving the European Parliament wider budgetary powers and establishing a Court of Auditors is signed. It will enter into force in June 1977.
August  1
The final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe is signed in Helsinki, Finland, by 35 States.
August  30
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Interim Committee Board of Governors meets in Washington DC, USA. It agrees on new arrangements for gold exchange.
September  15
The Governors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) hold their annual meeting. The Commission participates as an observer and Mr Colombo, President of the Council, makes a statement on behalf of the Community.
September  16
Official relations are established between China and the Community.
October  13-16
The Community participates in a preparatory meeting for the Conference on International Economic cooperation held in Paris, France. The opening of the conference is fixed for December 16.
November  15-17
A Summit is held in Rambouillet, France. The heads of State or Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States and Japan stress the urgent need for economic recovery in the industrialised countries and express their willingness to intensify international cooperation.
November  18
A tripartite conference on the economic and social situation, involving the Ministers for economic and social affairs, workers' and employers' representatives from the nine Member States and the Commission, is held in Brussels, Belgium. The Commission is asked to examine the matters discussed in greater detail and to prepare for the next conference.
November  26
The Commission brings before the Court of Justice an action against France for infringement of the Treaty by imposing an import tax on Italian wines.
December  1-2
A European Council meets in Rome, Italy. It takes decisions on the election of the European Parliament by universal suffrage, on passport union and on a single Community representation for the North-South Dialogue.
December  15
The Community convention on the European Patent for the Common Market (Community patent) is signed.
December  16
Sugar industry ruling. The European Court of Justice defines what constitutes a concerted practice and rules on a number of questions important to the development of the Community law on competition.
December  16-19
The ministerial Conference on International Economic Cooperation meets in Paris, France. In conclusion, the twenty-seven members (seven industrialised countries and the Community as such plus nineteen developing countries) set up four Commissions on energy, raw materials, development and finance.


January  1
Luxembourg takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
January  7
Mr Leo Tindemans, Prime Minister of Belgium, publishes a report on the European Union at the request of the Heads of Government.
January  7-8
The interim Committee of the International Monetary Fund meets in Kingston, Jamaica. In connection with the reform of the International Monetary System, agreement is reached on quotas, on the status of gold, on the exchange-rate system and on greater access to the fund's resources.
January  21
Italy suspends the official quotation of foreign currencies against the lira.
February  2-16
The Commission takes part in a Conference, held in Barcelona, Spain, where a draft convention for the protection of the Mediterranean is adopted.
February  4
In an attempt to support the lira, the Italian government takes measures to increase deposits with the Central Bank and to reduce the period permitted for conversion of foreign currencies held by exporters.
February  9
The Council comes out in favour of Greece's application for Community membership.
March  1
Italy resumes official quotation of foreign currencies against the lira.
March  4
Two Protocols with Malta are signed. The 1970 Association Agreement is extended to take in agriculture and cooperation.
March  15
The Council carries out an examination of the economic situation of the Community on the basis of two papers issued by the Commission, a summary account of the economic policies pursued in 1975 and a Communication on the adjustment of the 1976 economic policies guidelines.
March  17-18
The Italian Government adopts measures designed to stem the decline of the lira and improve the public finance situation.
April  1
The EEC-ACP Convention, signed in Lome on February 28, 1975, enters into force.
April  1-2
A European Council meets in Luxembourg. Heads of Government hold an initial exchange of views on the Tindemans report on the European Union of January 7.
April  6
At the GATT multilateral trade negotiations, the Tokyo Round, the Commission presents its offer of concessions to developing countries as regards tropical products.
April  8
Defrenne ruling. The European Court of Justice holds that the principle of equal pay for women and men is directly applicable.
April  14
The Commission formally decides to reject the application from the Irish Government for exemption from applying the principle of equal pay for women and men.
April  25-27
The Community signs cooperation agreements with three Maghreb countries (Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia).
May  5
The Commission allows Italy to take measures to protect the lira, authorising it to require a three-month non-interest-bearing cash deposit with the Bank of Italy on the purchase of foreign exchange and the deposit of the lira in foreign accounts.
May  6-7
The Administrative board of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions holds its first meeting in Dublin, Ireland.
May  11
In response to the Italian request, the Governors of the Central Banks of the Member States decide to grant Italy a short-term monetary support.
May  31
The fourth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) ends. The Conference decides that an integrated programme providing for the study and the negotiation of individual commodity agreements and a common fund to coordinate the financing of buffer stocks is to be adopted, a code of conduct for transfers of technology is to be set into place and the Paris convention on industrial property is to be modified so as to respect the interests of developing countries, guidelines will have to be laid down before the end of 1976 for the case-by-case settlement of the developing countries' debts.
June  1
The EEC and Pakistan sign a trade cooperation agreement.
June  16
The Parliament discusses and votes the motion of censure against the Commission tabled on May 13 concerning the manner in which the Parliament was consulted on a specific matter. The motion, the first to be put to a vote, was defeated by 109 votes to 18, with 4 abstentions.
June  24
A tripartite Conference on the economic and social situation is held in Luxembourg. The Conference is attended by the Commission and the representatives of Governments and both sides of industry in the Member States.
July  1
The Netherlands take over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
July  6
Canada and the EEC sign in Ottawa a framework agreement for economic and commercial cooperation.
July  12-13
The European Council meets in Brussels, Belgium. It agrees on the number and distribution of seats in the Parliament that is to be elected by direct universal suffrage in 1979. The Council also designates Mr. Roy Jenkins as President of the Commission.
July  14
Kramer ruling. The European Court of Justice defines the respective roles of the Community and of its Member States within the international fisheries framework.
July  27
Negotiations for the accession of Greece to the Community open formally.
September  13
The Community signs the Barcelona Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean sea against pollution.
September  17
The fifth session of the United Nations Conference of the Law of the Sea ends. The Community delegation requests that the future convention contain a clause to enable the Community as such to accede the convention.
September  20
The instruments concerning the election of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage are signed.
September  22
The French Government adopts the Barre Plan for fighting inflation; one of the measures it contains is a VAT reduction.
October  1
The Italian Government adopts the Andreotti plan to halt the decline of the lira by means of tax, monetary and social measures.
November  3
The Council decides that Member States will extend fishing limits to 200 miles off their North Sea and North Atlantic coasts as from 1 January 1977. These decisions mark the beginnings of the common fisheries policy.
November  29-30
A European Council is held in The Hague, Netherlands. The Council examines the economic situation and reaffirms its interest in the problems relating to the North-South Dialogue and publishes a statement on the construction of the European Union.
December  13
The representatives of the Governments of the Member states appoint the members of the new Commission for the period from January 6, 1977 to January 5, 1981.
A censure motion is tabled over the Commission's refusal to send to the Parliament's Control Sub-Committee a report issued by the Financial Control on the malt sector. The motion is withdrawn without being put to vote.


January  1
The United Kingdom takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
The Decision of the Nine to extend limits of their North Sea and Atlantic fishing zone to 200 miles comes into force.
January 6
The new Commission, appointed in December 1976 with Mr Jenkins as its President, takes office.
January 18
A Cooperation Agreement is signed with three Mashreq countries (Egypt, Jordan and Syria), following the April 1976 Agreements with Maghreb countries (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia).
March  23
The motion of censure against the Commission tabled in the Parliament on March 10, fails to secure the necessary majority.
March  25
The Community celebrates the twentieth anniversary of the signature of the Treaties of Rome.
March  25-26
A European Council is held in Rome, Italy.
March  28
Portugal formally applies to join the European Communities. Sao Tome and Principe, Cabo Verde and Papua New Guinea sign some agreements with the Community for accession to the Lome Convention.
April  5
The European Parliament, the Council and the Commission sign a joint declaration on the respect of fundamental rights.
May  3
The Community and Lebanon sign a Cooperation Agreement under the overall Mediterranean approach.
May  7-8
Downing Street Summit: The Community participates, as such, for the first time in some of the discussions at the economic summit of Western industrialised countries.
May  17
The sixth VAT Directive on the establishment of a uniform basis of assessment for value added tax is formally adopted by the Council.
May  23
The Sixth session of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea is held in New York, USA.
May 30-2/6
The Conference on International Economic Cooperation, after eighteen months of discussion, closes with a ministerial conference. The twenty-seven participants agree on the transfer of resources, the quality and quantity of official development assistance and raw materials. Major efforts continue in the spheres of agriculture, foodstuffs, infrastructure and industrialisation.
June  1
The treaty reinforcing the budgetary powers of the Parliament enters into force.
June  15
The Commission proposes the creation of a new Community borrowing instrument to finance structural investment.
June  29-30
A European Council is held in London, United Kingdom.
July  1
Belgium takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities. Extension of Common Customs Tariff (CTT) to the new Member States, that is: Denmark, Ireland, and United Kingdom.
July 28
Spain formally applies to join the European Communities.
September  19-23
The Commission attends the World Energy Conference in Istanbul, Turkey.
September  26
At the 32nd session of UN general Assembly, Mr Simonet, President of the Council, outlines the Community external policy.
October  4
Opening of the Belgrade follow-up to the Helsinki Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe.
October 25
The Court of Auditors of the European Communities, which replaces the Audit Board (EEC and Euratom) and the ECSC Auditor, holds its inaugural meeting in Luxembourg. The Council decides that the Joint European Torus (JET) project in controlled nuclear fusion is to be based in Culham, United Kingdom.
November  9
Mr Michael Murphy is elected President of the Court of Auditors.
December  5-6
A European Council meets in Brussels, Belgium.
December  13
The first meeting of the International fund for Agricultural Development, set up on recommendation of November 1974 World Food Conference, is held in Rome, Italy.


January  1
Djibouti deposits the instruments of accession to the Lome Convention with the General Secretariat of the Council.
February  2
Djibouti deposits the instruments of accession to the Lome Convention with the General Secretariat of the Council.
February  6
The Barcelona Convention on Protection of the Mediterranean, signed in February 1976, comes into force.
February  13
Negotiations open between the Community and Yugoslavia for a cooperation agreement to replace the trade agreement expiring on August 30.
March  6-11
The Community attended the ministerial meeting of the UNCTAD Trade and Development Board held to discuss the indebtedness of developing countries.
March  9
Simmenthal ruling. The European Court of Justice consolidates the principle of preminence of Community law.
March  22-24
At the end of the EEC-Japan consultations held in Tokyo, Japan on the steps to be taken to overcome the problems raised by the surplus on Japan's balance of trade with the Community, a joint statement is issued.
March  28-19/5
The Community attends, as an observer, the seventh session of the Third UN Conference on the Law of the Sea.
April  3
The Community and the People's Republic of China sign a trade agreement, which comes into force on June 1.
April 7-8
A European Council is held in Copenhagen, Denmark. An agreement is reached on the first direct elections to the European Parliament; the Heads of State or Government associate themselves with the Joint Declaration of the Parliament, the Council and the Commission on the respect of fundamental rights.
May  19
The Commission adopts a favourable opinion on the membership application of Portugal.
June  6
The Council decides in favour of Community membership application of Portugal and opens negotiations.
June  29-30
The Community opens negotiations with the USA on problems arising from the application of the Toxic Substances Control Act to Community products.
July  1
Germany takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
July  6-7
A European Council is held in Bremen, Germany. An agreement is reached on a common strategy to achieve a higher rate of economic growth in order to reduce unemployment and plan setting up a European Monetary System (EMS).
July  13
A joint statement is adopted on the status of the "Tokyo round".
July  16-17
The Community participates fully for the second time in the Western Economic Summit held in Bonn, Germany.
July  24
Negotiations for a new African, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP)-EEC Convention to replace the Lome Convention expiring on March 1, 1980 officially opens at a ministerial meeting in Brussels.
July  25
The Council adopts the Decision setting 7 - 10 June 1979 as the dates on which the first direct elections to the European Parliament are to be held.
September  26
The Council adopts some cooperation agreements with Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon and additional financial protocols with Israel, Portugal and Malta.
September  27
The Solomon islands deposit instruments of accession to the Lome Convention.
October  9
The representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council signed the Convention on the Accession of Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom to the Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters.
October  24
The new Convention on multi-lateral cooperation in the North West Atlantic is signed in Ottawa, Canada.
November  1
The Cooperation agreements with Maghreb countries (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) and the Mashreq countries (Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon) and additional financial protocols with Israel, Portugal and Malta enter into force.
November  9
The Fourth Tripartite Conference attended by the ministers of finance, economic affairs and employment and the representatives of the two sides of industry takes place in Brussels, Belgium. The participants examine the Commission paper putting forward an overall strategy involving, in particular, the stimulation of growth intensified structural readaptation measures, certain work-sharing measures and, for the future, a greater role for the services sector.
November  29
The Commission gives a favourable opinion on the application for membership of Spain. Negotiations will open on February 5, 1979.
December  4-5
A European Council is held in Brussels, Belgium. It establishes the European Monetary System based on a European currency unit (the ECU) and decides to call in a committee of leading personalities to consider adjustments to institutional mechanisms and procedures in the context of enlargement.
December 19
The Representatives of the Governments of the Member States renew the terms of office of Mr. Jenkins as President of the Commission for the January 6, 1979 to January 5, 1981 period.


January  1
France takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
January  17
Tuvalu joins in the Lome convention becoming the 55th African, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP) State in the Convention.
February  5
Spanish accession negotiations formally open in Brussels.
February 6
The Council formally adopts the guidelines for the Community regional policy and the amendments to the 1975 Regulation establishing the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
February 20
Cassis de Dijon ruling. The European Court of Justice decrees that consumers can access foodstuffs from other Member States on the sole condition that the product in question has been legally manufactured and commercialised in a given State and that no major issues regarding health or the environment are opposed to its import.
February 26
Dominica joins in the Lome convention becoming the 56th African, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP) State in the Convention.
March  6-7
The Commission attends, with an observer status, the first Conference of Ministers responsible for Social Security in the Council of Europe member countries.
March  12-13
A European Council meets in Paris, France. It settles March 13 as the date on which the European Monetary System (EMS) is to enter into force. It also discusses the economic and social situation, the common agricultural policy and energy.
March  13
The European Monetary System enters into force.
March  16
Jean Monnet dies.
March  19-27/4
The Community attends, with an observer status, the first part of the eighth session of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea.
March  19-8/4
A United Nations Conference of Plenipotentiaries meets and adopts a Constitution whereby the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) will become a specialised Agency.
April  4
The Commission adopts a memorandum on the accession of the European Communities to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
April  12
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) multilateral trade negotiations (Tokyo Round) reach their final phase.
May  7-3/6
The Community, with an observer status, attends the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) held in Manila, Philippines.
May  28
The acts relating to Greece's accession to the Communities are signed in Athens, Greece.
June  7-10
The first elections to the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage are held.
June  15
The first session of Spanish accession negotiations at deputy level is held.
June  21-22
A European Council meets in Strasbourg, France. The Council reaches an agreement to work out a joint energy strategy and it examines the problems linked to convergence of Member States' economic performances.
June  28
The Greek Parliament ratifies the Treaty of Accession. Santa Lucia joins in the Lome convention becoming the 57th African, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP) State in the Convention.
June  28-29
A Western Economic Summit is held in Tokyo, Japan.
July  1
Ireland takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
July  16-24/8
The Community attends the second part of the eighth session of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea.
July  17-20
First part-session of the directly elected Parliament is held in Strasbourg, France. Ms Simone Veil is elected President by an absolute majority in the second ballot.
July  25
Meeting of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Council of Representatives.
July  31
The Commission transmits to the Council a Directive on the right of Member States' nationals to reside permanently in the territory of another Member State.
September  18
The thirty-fourth session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly opens. The President of the Council presents an outline of the stand taken by the Member States of the Community on the main agenda items. In particular he refers to the attitude of the Community and its Member States to a continuation of the dialogue between developed and developing countries, he stresses the importance of direct elections to the European Parliament and the importance of the European Monetary System (EMS).
September  19
The Community and its Member States sign a Council of Europe Convention on Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats.
October  4
The Court of Justice issues an advisory Opinion on Community powers in relation to international agreements with particular reference to the stabilisation agreement for natural rubber.
October  30
Kiribati joins in the Lome convention becoming the 58th African, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP) State in the Convention.
October  31
The second African, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP)-EEC Convention is signed in Lome, Togo. (Lome II).
November  20
The Council endorses the results of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) multilateral trade negotiations.
November  26-30
At their annual meeting, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Contracting Parties formally approve the "Tokyo Round" results by consensus.
November  29-30
A European Council is held in Dublin, Ireland. The points discussed include: the convergence of Member States' economic performances and budgetary questions, the procedural arrangements for examining Committee of Wise Men's report on adjustments to institutional mechanisms and procedures and the proposals for regulation of agricultural markets.
December  13
The Parliament debates the results of the "Tokyo Round" and a series of Commission proposals on commercial policy.
December  17
The Community signs the "Tokyo Round" agreements.

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