Page d’accueil - Union européen - Histoire de l'UE - Chronologie
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This version of Europe Gateway is outdated since April 25, 2014.

Union européen / Histoire de l'UE / Chronologie

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History of EU


January  1
Ireland takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
January  9
Mr Aldo Angioi is elected President of the Court of Auditors.
February  21
The Commission meets for the 1000th time.
March  7
GB-Inno-BM ruling. The European Court of Justice declares that a national legislation refusing access to any advertisment that is legally available in the country of purchase, is contrary to the "freedom of movement of goods" principle.
April  2
The European Community and Argentina sign a framework agreement on commercial and economic cooperation.
April  28
A Special European Council is held in Dublin, Ireland. It agrees on a common approach on German unification and on the Community relations with Central and Eastern European countries.
May  7
The European Council settles the creation of the European Training Foundation and adopts a regulation relative to the creation of the European Environment Agency.
May  9
40th anniversary of the Schuman declaration.
May  22
The European Court of Justice rules that the European Parliament can be referred to the Court of Justice by other institutions and that other institutions can be referred to the Court of Justice by the European Parliament if they call into question institutional equilibrium. These principles will later be inserted in the Maastricht Treaty.
May  29
The Agreement establishing the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to provide financial support to Central and Eastern Europe countries is signed in Paris, France.
June  6
The European Commission presents a Green Paper on Urban Environment.
June  19
The Schengen Agreement on the elimination of border checks is signed by the Benelux countries, France and Germany.
June  20
The EEC and EFTA start formal negotiations for the creation of the European Economic Area (EEA).
June  25-26
A European Council is held in Dublin, Ireland. It confirms the need to open two Intergovernmental Conferences, one on Economic and Monetary Union and the other on the aspects of Political Union, and to hold them in parallel.
July  1
Italy takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities. The first phase of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) comes into force. Four Member States (Spain, Portugal, Greece and Ireland) are granted an exceptional regime given their insufficient progress towards financial integration.
July  4
Cyprus formally applies to join the European Communities.
July  16
Malta formally applies to join the European Communities.
October  3
Germany is unified, and the Lander of the former East Germany become part of the EU.
October  27-28
A special European Council is held in Rome, Italy. It finalises the preparation of the two intergovernmental conferences one on Economic and Monetary Union and the other on the aspects of Political Union.
November  19-21
A meeting is held in Paris, France. Thirty-four Heads of State or Government of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) sign a Charter for a new Europe.
November  27
Italy signs the Schengen agreement.
December  2
Legislative elections are held in the Federal Republic of Germany.
December  4
The European Council adopts the transitory measures agreed upon within the framework of German reunification.
December  12
Legislative elections are held in Denmark.
December  14-15
A European Council is held in Rome, Italy. The two Intergovernmental Conferences, one on Economic and Monetary Union, the other on Political Union, are launched.


January  1
Luxembourg takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
March  18
Opening of the 7th ministerial Conference between the Community and its Member States and Central American Countries plus the cooperating countries Panama, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela, is held in Managua, Nicaragua. The Conference is centered on political dialogue and economic cooperation (San Jose VII).
April  8
The European Council holds an informal meeting in Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, to examine problems in the Middle-east deriving from the Gulf crisis. It decides on urgent humanitarian aid to be granted for Kurdish and other refugees.
April  14
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is inaugurated in London, United Kingdom.
June  4
The Council of Health Ministers adopt the action plan titled "Europe against AIDS".
June  19
The Opening of the first session of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) Council is held in Berlin, Germany.
June  28-29
An European Council is held in Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. It confirms the need to conduct the proceedings of the two Intergovernmental Conferences, centered on Economic and Monetary Union and on the aspects of Political Union, in parallel on the basis of the draft Treaty prepared by the Presidency.
July  1
The Netherlands take over the presidency of the Council of the European Communities. Sweden forrmally applies to join the European Communities.
July  15-17
The seventeenth Occidental Economic Summit is held in London, United Kingdom. Participants agree to hold annual meetings with the Soviet Union and define a support plan for it. They also agree on opening their markets to products and services from Eastern European countries and they commit to successfully end the Uruguay Round negotiations.
July  22
The Council provides financial aid for Israel and the Palestinian population of the Occupied Territories.
July  25
Stoeckel ruling. The European Court of Justice decrees that the dispositions of the French labour legislation forbidding women to work during the night in the industry sector, is contrary to the equality of treatment between women and men with regard to access to employment.
August  22
Failed coup in the Soviet Union.
September  1
The fourth Lome Convention, on the development of the relations between the Community and the Africa, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP) States, enters into force.
September  7
The opening of the Peace Conference on Yugoslavia is held in The Hague, The Netherlands.
October  21
The Council reaches an agreement on the establishment of the European Economic Area (EEA).
October  30-14/11
The Middle East Peace Conference opens in Madrid, Spain. The Community is entrusted the leading role in the forthcoming multi-lateral negotiations.
November  6
The Commission decides to set up an European Humanitarian Aid Office.
November  7
The Council agrees on reducing the Africa, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP) States debt.
November  19
Francovich ruling. The European Court of Justice affirms that a Member State injuring a private individual by violating Community law must pay compensation.
November  26
The Community accedes to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) becoming the first organisation for economic integration to enjoy full membership of a United Nations specialised agency.
December  9-10
A European Council is held in Maastricht, The Netherlands. It reaches an agreement on the draft Treaty on the European Union.
December  16
"Europe Agreements" are signed with Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia.
December  17
The European Energy Charter is signed.
December  21
The Presidents of the Republics of the Soviet Union, except Georgia, sign in Alma Ata, Kazakhstan, an agreement creating the Independent States Community (ISC).
December  25
Mr Gorbatchev, President of the Soviet Union, resigns.


January  1
Portugal takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
February  3
The Council adopts positive measures to help Croatia, Slovenia, the Yugoslav Republics of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
February  7
The Treaty on the European Union is signed in Maastricht by the Foreign and Finance Ministers of the Member States.
February  19
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on the impact of transport on the environment.
March  18
Finland formally applies to join the European Communities.
April  4
The Escudo enters the exchange-rate mechanism of European Monetary System.
May  2
An agreement on the European Economic Area signed in Porto, Portugal.
May  20
Switzerland formally applies to join the European Communities.
June  2
A referendum is held in Denmark, the people vote against the ratification of the Treaty on the European Union.
June  3-14
The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) is held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Community takes part in it and signs some international Conventions on Global Climate Change and Biological Diversity.
June  18
A referendum is held in Ireland, the people vote in favour of the ratification of the Treaty on the European Union.
June  26-27
A European Council is held in Lisbon, Portugal. It underlines importance of respecting timetable for the ratification of the Treaty on the European Union.
July  1
The United Kingdom takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
July  2
Luxembourg ratifies the Treaty on the European Union.
July  6-8
The eighteenth Occidental Economic Summit is held in Munich, Germany. The members of the seven most industrialised countries in the world look into the definition of a new partnership with the rest of Europe and the world, based on the progressive rooting of common values.
July  31
Greece ratifies the Treaty on the European Union.
August  7
The Council adopts a regulation on the extension of the economic aid programme (PHARE) to Slovenia.
August  25
An International conference on former Yugoslavia opens in London, United Kingdom.
September  20
A referendum is held in France, the people vote in favour of the ratification of the Treaty on the European Union.
October  7
The Commission grants further emergency aid for the victims of war in former Yugoslavia.
October  12-13
A Donor's Conference for aid to Somalia is held in Geneva, Switzerland. The Community participates in view of its future donations.
October  16
An extra-ordinary European Council is held in Birmingham, United Kingdom. It adopts a declaration titled "A Community close to its citizens".
October  26
Italy ratifies the Treaty on the European Union.
November  4
Belgium ratifies the Treaty on the European Union.
November  25
Norway formally applies to join the European Communities. Spain ratifies the Treaty on the European Union.
December  2
The Commission adopts a White Paper on the future development of the common transport policy.
December  6
A referendum is held in Switzerland, the people vote against the ratification of the Agreement establishing an European Economic Area.
December  11
Portugal ratifies the Treaty on the European Union.
December  11-12
The European Council is held in Edinburgh, United Kingdom. It offers Denmark special arrangements to enable it to hold a second referendum on the ratification of the Treaty. It endorses the Delors II package and agrees that accession negotiations with Austria, Sweden and Finland will start on January 1st.
December  15
The Netherlands ratifies the Treaty on the European Union.
December  18
Germany ratifies the Treaty on the European Union.
December  21
Mr Andre Middelhoek is elected President of the Court of Auditors
December  23
The Commission adopts a Green Paper titled "Pluralism and Media Concentration in the Internal Market - An assessment of the need for Community action".


January  1
Denmark takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities
The Single European Market enters into force.
February  1
Negotiations on accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden open in Brussels. Europe Agreement on trade-related matters signed with Romania.
March  8
Europe Agreement on trade signed with Bulgaria.
April  5
Negotiations on accession of Norway open in Luxembourg.
May  14
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on remedying environmental damage.
May  18
In a second referendum, the Danish people vote in favour of the Treaty on European Union.
June  19-24
The Community takes part in the United Nations World Conference on Human Rights.
June  21-22
A European Council is held in Copenhagen, Denmark. The Council instructs the Commission to prepare a White Paper on long-term strategy to promote growth, competitiveness and employment; it confirms that accession of Austria, Finland, Sweden and Norway is to be accomplished by 1995 and it assures associated countries of Central and Eastern Europe that they will become full members as soon as they satisfy the requisite political and economic conditions.
July  1
Belgium takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
July  7-9
A G7 summit is held in Tokyo, Japan.
July  19
The Council adopts a new Tacis Programme for Independent States of the former Soviet Union.
August  2
The United Kingdom ratifies the Treaty on the European Union.
September  29
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on European dimension of education.
October  8-9
The Community attends the Vienna Summit organised by the Council of Europe.
October  20
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on guarantees for consumer goods and after-sales services.
October  25
An interinstitutional conference is held in Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The Council, the Commission and the Parliament adopt a declaration on democracy, transparency and subsidiarity; they approve the Parliament's draft Decision on general conditions of the Ombudsman's duties and text on working methods of Conciliation Committee under co-decision procedure.
October  29
A European Council is held in Brussels, Belgium. The Council issues a declaration to mark the entry into force of the Treaty on the European Union, it confirms that the second phase of economic and monetary union will come into effect on 1 January 1994 and it identifies several matters for joint action to be undertaken by the Union under common foreign and security policy. A decision is also taken on the location of several Community offices and agencies.
November  1
All ratification procedures are completed; the Treaty on the European Union enters into force.
November  16
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on access of Consumers to justice and the settlement of consumer disputes.
November  17
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on European Social policy options for the Union.
December  5
The Commission adopts a White Paper on growth, competitiveness and employment entitled: The challenges and ways forward into the 21st century.
December  6
The Council and the Commission reach agreement on code of conduct governing public access to official documents.
December  9
Boris Yeltsin, Jacques Delors and Jean Luc Dehaene, President of the European Council, sign a declaration on strengthening relations between the Russian Federation and the European Union, particularly in the political field.
December  10-11
A European Council is held in Brussels, Belgium. It draws up an action plan for the short and medium term, based on the Commission's White Paper on growth, competitiveness and employment, and an initial action plan in the field of justice and home affairs. It also decides to convene a conference to conclude a stability pact for Central and Eastern Europe.
December  13
The Council concludes an agreement creating the European Economic Area.
December  15
The delegations of the States participating in the Uruguay Round (GATT) negotiations sign an agreement in Geneva opening way for most extensive liberalisation in history of world trade.


January  1
Greece takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Stage II of economic and monetary union begins and the European Monetary Institute (EMI) is established.
The agreement establishing the European Economic Area (EEA) enters into force.
February  19
The Court of Auditors publishes the special report concerning controls of irregularities and frauds in the agricultural area.
March  9-10
The Committee of the Regions, set up by the Treaty on the European Union, holds inaugural session. Jacques Blanc is elected Chairman.
March  29
An informal meeting of Foreign Ministers is held in Ioannina. A compromise decision is adopted on rules for qualified-majority decision-making in preparation for the enlargement.
March  30
Accession negotiations with Austria, Sweden, Finland and Norway conclude in Brussels.
March  31
Hungary formally applies to join the European Union.
April  5
Poland formally applies to join the European Union.
April  6
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on the Union's audiovisual policy.
April  15
The final Act of the Uruguay Round (GATT) negotiations is signed in Marrakech, Morocco.
April  19
The Council decides on joint action under common foreign and security policy in support of the Middle East peace process.
April  26
The Parliament and the Council adopt the fourth framework programme on research, development and demonstration (1994-1998).
May  25
The board of Governors of the European Investment Bank establishes the European Investment Fund.
May  26-27
An inaugural conference for a Stability Pact for Central and Eastern Europe is held in Paris, France.
June  9-12
Direct elections to the European Parliament are held for the fourth time.
June  12
A referendum is held in Austria, the majority is in favour of accession to the European Union.
June  14
A partnership and cooperation agreement between the European Union and Ukraine is signed in Luxembourg.
June  24-25
An European Council is held in Corfu, Greece. The main item is the follow-up to the White Paper on growth, competitiveness and employment. The Acts of Accession of Austria, Sweden, Finland and Norway are signed. A new partnership and co-operation agreement between the European Communities, the Member States and Russia is signed.
July  1
Germany takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
July  8-10
The twentieth Western Economic Summit is held in Naples, Italy.
July  14
Faccini Dori ruling. The European Court of Justice affirms that a Member State injuring a private individual by omitting to transpose a directive in its national law must pay compensation provided that certain conditions are satisfied.
July  15
An extraordinary meeting of the European Council is held in Brussels: Jacques Santer is chosen to succeed Jacques Delors as President of the Commission.
July  18
Free-trade agreements are signed in Brussels with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
July  19-26
The new European Parliament holds first part-session in Strasbourg. Mr. Klaus Hansch is elected President. Mr Santer is formally appointed as next President of the European Commission.
July  27
The Commission adopts a White Paper on the European Social policy.
October  10
A cooperation agreement between the Community and South Africa is signed. A conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) opens in Budapest, Hungary.
October  16
A referendum is held in Finland, the majority is in favour of accession to the European Union.
October  25
The Commission adopts the first part of the Green Paper on liberalisation of telecommunications infrastructure and cable television networks.
November  13
A referendum is held in Sweden, the majority is in favour of accession to the European Union.
November  15
The European Monetary Institute Council meets for the first time in Frankfurt.
November  28
The Norwegian referendum rejects accession to the European Union.
November  29
The Parliament, the Council and the Commission adopt the financial perspective 1995-99 adjusted to take account of enlargement.
November  30
The Council adopts a first joint action in the area of cooperation in the fields of Justice and Home affairs.
December  6
The Council adopts Leonardo da Vinci Programme in vocational training and first resolution under Social Policy Protocol.
December  9-10
The European Council held in Essen, Germany lays down lines of action for strengthening strategy of the White Paper on growth, competitiveness and employment with special reference to measures to combat unemployment and to bring trans-European networks into operation; it agrees on an overall strategy to bring the associated countries of Central and Eastern Europe closer to the Community and reiterates its determination to establish an Euro-Mediterranean partnership. It approves the principle of a multi-annual aid programme for Northern Ireland
December  15-16
The Council adopts a conclusion on the Community strategy for reducing CO2 emissions and on environment and transport. It also adopts a regulation on the substances which deplete the ozone layer and a directive on the incineration of hazardous waste.
December  17
The treaty on European Energy Charter is signed in Lisbon.


January  1
France takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Austria, Finland and Sweden become members of the European Union.
January  23
Following the Parliament's vote of approval on 18 January, the representatives of the Governments of the Member States appoint President and Members of the European Commission for a five-year term.
January  25
The Commission adopts the second part of the Green Paper on liberalisation of telecommunications infrastructure and cable television networks.
February  1
The Commission adopts the second part of the Green Paper on liberalisation of telecommunications infrastructure and cable television networks.
February  23
Bordessa ruling. The European Court of Justice decrees that citizens may export banknotes, coins and cheques without previous authorisation.
February  25-26
The G7 Ministerial Conference on Information Society is held in Brussels. On that occasion "Europa", the European Union web site, is launched.
March  8
The Court of Auditors publishes the special report on the cohesion financial instrument.
March  14
The Council and the Parliament sign the Socrates Programme in the field of education.
March  20-21
The Stability Pact for Central and Eastern Europe is signed and adopted in Paris.
March  26
The Schengen Agreement comes into force between Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain.
April  4
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on the role of the Union in the field of tourism.
April  9
Liechtenstein ratifies its accession in the European Economic Area by referendum.
April  10
The Council adopts a report on the functioning of the Treaty on the European Union in preparation for the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference.
April  21
The Committee of the Regions adopts an own-initiative opinion on preparations for the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference.
April  28
Austria signs the Schengen agreement.
May  1
Liechtenstein participates in the European Economic Area.
May  3
The Commission approves the Info 2000 programme to stimulate the development of a European multimedia content industry in the emerging information society.
May  3-10
The Commission adopts a White Paper on preparing the associated countries of Central and Eastern Europe for integration into the European Union internal Market.
May  11
The Treaty on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons is extended for an unlimited period (joint action under common foreign and security policy).
May  31
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on the practical arrangements for the introduction of the single currency.
June  12
European Association Agreements are signed with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
June  15
The 21st G7 summit is held in Halifax, Canada.
June  22
Romania applies to join the European Union.
June  27
Slovakia applies to join the European Union.
June  26-27
A European Council is held in Cannes, France. An overall agreement on external financing including financing arrangements for the eight European Development Fund (EDF) for Africa, Caribbean Pacific (ACP) States is reached. The transition to a single currency by 1 January 1999 is confirmed.
July  1
Spain takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
July  12
The European Parliament appoints Jacob Soderman, a Finn, as Ombudsman of the European Union.
July  17
An interim agreement with Russia, an Euro-Mediterranean agreement with Tunisia and a cooperation agreement with Vietnam are signed.
July  19
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on copyright and related rights in information society and on "utility models" (legal protection of intellectual property).
July  26
The Member States sign the Europol Convention for police cooperation.
September  13
The fourth world conference on Women opens in Beijing, China.
September  25
The Member States adopt a list of non-member countries whose nationals must be in possession of a visa to enter the European Union.
October  17
Kalanke ruling. The European Court of Justice considers that a measure guaranteeing automatic priority to women in promotions is beyond the equality of treatment between women and men principle and is thus discriminatory based on gender.
October  27
Latvia formally applies to join the European Union.
November  7
A new Euratom-US agreement on peaceful use of nuclear energy is signed.
November  20
A Cooperation Agreement is signed with Nepal. The Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement is signed with Israel.
November  27
Estonia formally applies to join the European Union.
November  27-28
The Euro-Mediterranean Conference is held in Barcelona.
November  29
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on citizens' network (urban transport) and a White Paper on education and training.
December  12
Lithuania formally applies to join the European Union.
December  13
The Commission adopts a White Paper on energy policy for the European Union.
December  14
The Dayton peace agreement for Former Yugoslavia is signed in Paris.
December  15
Bosman ruling. The European Court of Justice decrees that football federation rules restricting the number of foreign players in football teams and those relative to players' transfers are contrary to Community law.
December  15-16
A European Council is held in Madrid, Spain. It sets March 29, 1996 as the starting date for the Intergovernmental Conference and confirms the introduction of the single currency ("euro") for January 1st, 1999.
December  20-21
The European Commission and the World Bank organise a meeting in Brussels of donor countries and organisations for the reconstruction of Bosnia-Herzegovina.


January  1
Italy takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Customs Union between EU and Turkey enters into force.
January  17
The Czech Republic formally applies to join the European Union.
January  18
Mr Bernhard Friedmann is elected President of the Court of Auditors.
January 31
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on review of Merger Control Regulation.
February  1
The interim agreements with Russia and Ukraine enter into force.
February  26
An Euro-Mediterranean association agreement is signed with Morocco.
March  1-2
A European Union -Asia summit is held in Bangkok, Thailand.
March  5
"Brasserie du pecheur" and "Factortame" rulings. The European Court of Justice specifies when a Member State violating Community law can be held responsible for the damages caused to a private individual.
March  6
The Commission adopts a White Paper on air traffic control and a Green Paper on legal protection for encrypted services.
March  27
The Commission adopts a decision on urgent measures to be taken for protection against BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy). It imposes a worldwide export ban on British beef and beef products.
March  29
The opening of the Intergovernmental Conference to revise the Maastricht Treaty is held in Turin, Italy. The European Council defines its agenda.
April  1-2
A G7 conference on employment is held in Lille, France.
April  19-20
A G7+1 meeting on nuclear safety is held in Moscow, Russia
April  22
The European Union signs partnership and co-operation agreements with Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
May  8
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on commercial communications in the single market.
May  13
The Council adopts a EU action plan for Russia.
May  22
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on financial services.
May  23
Hedley Lomas ruling. The European Court of Justice affirms that a Member State violating Community law by refusing to issue an export licence to a private individual must pay compensation.
June  1
The cooperation agreements with Vietnam and Nepal enter into force.
June  10
Slovenia formally applies to join the European Union.
June  14-15
A tripartite conference on Growth and Employment involving the Community institutions, the Member States and the social partners is held in Rome, Italy.
June  21
The cooperation agreements with Uzbekistan and Chile are signed.
June  21-22
The European Council is held in Florence, Italy. It spells out the objectives and the agenda of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC), it endorses the framework plan presented by the Commission for eradication of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and it resolves the problem of the Court of Justice's authority to interpret the Europol Convention.
June  25
The Council adopts the new TACIS regulation on assistance to New Independent States and Mongolia for 1996-1999.
June  27-29
A G7 summit is held in Lyon, France. Three documents are adopted: a declaration on terrorism, an economic communique entitled "Making a success of globalisation for the benefit of all" and a statement from the chair entitled "Towards greater security and stability in a more cooperative world".
July  1
Ireland takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
July  24
The Commission adopts a Green Paper entitled "Living and working in the information society: people first" and a Green Paper on the role, position and liability of the statutory auditor.
July  25
The Council adopts a regulation concerning the aids granted for the reconstruction of the republics of former Yugoslavia.
July  30
The Commission adopts a White Paper on the strategy to follow for revitalising EU railway .
September  16-17
Following the world solar summit held in Harare, Zimbabwe, participants launch a world solar programme for 1996-2005.
September  27
The 15 European Union Member States sign a convention on extradition and a protocol on protection of the European Union's financial interests. The Council adopts the corresponding acts.
October  1
The Council agrees on a Community action for a total ban on anti-personnel landmines.
October  2
The Commission adopts a Green Paper entitled "Education, Training and research: the obstacles to Trans-national mobility".
October  5
A Special European Council is held in Dublin, Ireland. Heads of State or Government confirm the timetable for the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC).
October  13
Austria holds European Parliament elections for the first time.
October  14
The Finnish Mark joins the EMS exchange rate mechanism.
October  20
Finland holds European Parliament elections for the first time.
October  28
A cooperation agreement is signed between the European Union and the Republic of Korea.
November  4
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on the future noise policy.
November  7-9
A European Conference on rural development is held in Cork, Ireland.
November  11
The Council adopts a common action for sustaining the democratic process in Zaire, Africa.
November  20
The Commission adopts three Green Papers on
the relations between the European Union and the African, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP) states, a numbering policy for telecommunication services,
a Community strategy for developing renewable energies.
November  25
The Italian Lira re-enters the EMS exchange rate mechanism.
November  27
The Commission adopts a Green Paper entitled on public procurement in the European Union.
December  4-5
At the London Conference centered on implementing peace agreements in Former Yugoslavia, a plan to consolidate peace is adopted.
December  9-13
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) Ministerial conference is held in Singapore and concludes with an agreement on information technology products.
December  10
The Euro-Mediterranean interim agreement with the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) is initialed.
December  13-14
A European Council is held in Dublin, Ireland. It reaches agreement on the various elements necessary for introduction of the single currency (legal framework, stability pact, new exchange rate mechanism), adopts the Dublin declaration on employment and confirms timetable for the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC).
December  16
A Transatlantic Summit between the European Union and the USA is held in Washington, USA.
December  19
Denmark, Finland and Sweden sign the Schengen agreement.


January  1
The Netherlands take over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
January  22
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on vertical restraints in the EC competition policy.
February  15
An agreement is reached on basic telecommunications services within the World Trade Organisation (WTO) framework.
February  19
The Parliament adopts a resolution on results of temporary committee of inquiry into bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).
February  24
The European Commission and the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) adopt a joint statement establishing regular political dialogue and sign an Euro-Mediterranean interim association agreement for five years.
March  25
A commemorative ceremony is held in the Capitol, Rome, Italy, for the 40th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome.
March  26
The parties involved in the Commercial agreement on information technology products within the World Trade Organisation (WTO) framework, draw up the definitive list of their commitments.
April  16
The Commission adopts the Green Paper titled "Partnership for a new organisation of work".
April  17
Equal pension rights for widows and widowers: The European Court of Justice extends the principle of equal treatment of women and men to the granting of survivors' pensions under occupational insurance schemes.
April  24
The Africa, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP) - UE Council of Ministers adopts a decision approving the protocol governing accession of South Africa to the Lome Convention.
April  29
The EU signs co-operation agreements with Cambodia and Laos.
May  6
The Commission adopts its 1997-1998 anti-fraud work programme.
May  12
The Court of Auditors publishes the special report on European Union humanitarian aid between 1992 and 1995.
May  26
The Council establishes a convention on the service of judicial and extra-judicial documents in civil or commercial matters. The Council establishes a convention on the fight against corruption involving officials.
June  2
The Council adopts a regulation establishing a European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia. The Council adopts a common position defining the strategy of the Union as regards Albania.
June  4
The Commission adopts an action plan for the Single Market.
June  10
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on supplementary pensions in the Single Market.
June  16-17
The European Council meets in Amsterdam and reaches a consensus on a draft Treaty. It approves various proposals facilitating the smooth passage to the third phase of the Economic and Monetary Union, adopts a resolution on growth and employment and clears the way for launching the enlargement process.
June  24
The Commission adopts a Green paper on Community patent and patent system in Europe.
July  1
Luxembourg takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
July  16
The Commission presents the "Agenda 2000 - for a stronger and wider Europe" and its opinions on the applications of 10 Central European countries.
July  22
The Western European Union (WEU) Extra-ordinary Council adopts a declaration, to be annexed to the final Act of the Amsterdam Treaty, on its role and its relations with the EU and the Atlantic Alliance.
July  23-24
The third international Donor's Conference for reconstruction of Bosnia-Herzegovina is held in Brussels.
October  2
The Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Member States of the European Union sign the Treaty of Amsterdam.
October  20
The Commission adopts the final report to the Parliament's temporary committee of inquiry monitoring recommendations on bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).
November  11
Marschall vs Land Nordrhein-Westfalen ruling. The European Court of Justice judges that a national law which guarantees priority for women in promotions in the public sector, in cases where there are male and female candidates who are equally qualified for the post in question, does not conflict with Community law provided that certain conditions are satisfied.
November  21-22
An Extraordinary European Council on employment is held in Luxembourg. Guidelines for Member States' employment policies in 1998 are agreed upon.
November  26
The Commission adopts a White Paper on renewable energy sources.
December  1-10
An international conference on climatic change is held in Kyoto, Japan and concludes with undertaking by industrialised countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
December  3
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on convergence in the communications, media and information technology sectors. An International convention on anti-personnel landmines is signed in Ottawa, Canada.
December  4
The Council agrees to ban tobacco advertising.
December  8
The European Union and Mexico sign an agreement on economic partnership, political co-ordination and co-operation.
December  12
An agreement is reached on financial services within the World Trade Organisation (WTO) framework.
December  12-13
The European Council meets in Luxembourg and takes the decisions needed to launch the enlargement process. It also adopts a resolution on economic policy co-ordination.


January  1
The United Kingdom takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
The Cooperation agreement with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia enters into force.
February  1
The Europe Agreements with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania enter into force.
March  1
The Partnership and cooperation agreement with Ukraine and Euro-Mediterranean association agreement with Tunisia enters into force.
March  12
A European Conference is held in London hosting the 15 Member States and the countries who formally requested access to the EU.
March  16
The Drachma enters the European Monetary System (EMS) exchange rate mechanism.
March  25
The Commission adopts the convergence report and recommends that 11 Member States adopt the euro on 1 January 1999.
March  30
A Ministerial meeting launches accession process for the 10 Central and Eastern European applicant countries and Cyprus.
April  2
Greenpeace ruling. The European Court of Justice specifies under which conditions individuals, or the associations representing them, are qualified to request the annulment of a decision taken by the Commission.
April  3-4
The Second Europe-Asia Summit is held in London, United Kingdom.
April  28
Kohll vs "Union des Caisses de Maladie" and Decker vs "Caisse de Maladie des Employes Prives" ruling. The European Court of Justice decrees that Community nationals may obtain medical treatment in another Member State and be reimbursed in accordance with the tariffs of the state in which they are insured.
April  29
The Kyoto Protocol on climate change is signed in New York, USA.
April  30
Peace agreement on Northern Ireland.
May  1
The Framework cooperation agreement between the European Community and the members of Cartagena Agreement enters into force.
May  3
A special Council decides that 11 Member States satisfy conditions for adoption of the single currency on 1 January 1999. Following this decision, the Council adopts two regulations on technical specifications of euro coins and introduction of the euro, the ministers and Central Bank governors of Member States adopting the euro as their single currency. The Commission and the European Monetary Institute set out conditions for determination of the irrevocable conversion rates for the euro.
May  7
Germany deposits the instruments of ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam
May  12
Martinez Sala vs Freistaat Bayern ruling.The European Court of Justice rules that nationals of a Member State can rely on their European citizenship for protection against discrimination on grounds of nationality by another Member State.
May  15
Sweden deposits the instruments of ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam
May  15-17
A G8 Summit is held in Birmingham, United Kingdom.
May  25
The Council adopts a common position on human rights, democratic principles, the rule of law and good governance in Africa
May  26
The Governments of the Member States adopting the single currency appoint by common agreement the president, the vice-president and the other members of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank.
June  1
Establishment of the European Central Bank. An agreement amending the fourth Lome Convention following mid-term review, including new financial protocol and the protocol governing accession of South Africa to the Convention enters into force.
June  8-10
A special session of the United Nations' General Assembly on drugs is held in New York.
June  15
The United Kingdom deposits the instruments of ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam
June  15-16
A European Council is held in Cardiff, UK. The Council sets out essential elements of the European Union strategy for further economic reform to promote growth, prosperity, jobs and social inclusion. It identifies concrete ways of bringing the Union closer to the people, establishes guidelines and time frame for further negotiations on Agenda 2000 and launches a longer term debate on the Union's further development
June  18
The Court of Auditors publishes the special report concerning the implementation by the Commission of EU policy and action as regards water pollution.
June  24
Denmark deposits the instruments of ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam
June  25
The United Nations' Economic Commission for Europe Convention on Access to Environmental Information, Public Participation in decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters is signed in Aarhus, Denmark.
June  30
Mary Brown ruling. The European Court of Justice declares that firing pregnant women throughout the duration of their pregnancy is contrary to Community law.
July  1
Austria takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
The interim agreement with Mexico on trade and trade-related matters, the partnership and cooperation agreement with Moldova and the cooperation agreement with Yemen come into force.
July  15
Finland deposits the instruments of ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam.
July  21
Austria deposits the instruments of ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam
July  22
The Commission adopts a White Paper on the Community approach to transport infrastructure charging communication on measures to counter counterfeiting of the euro.
The Court of Auditors publishes the special report concerning the Commission departments specifically involved in the fight against fraud, notably the Unit for the Coordination of Fraud Prevention.
July  24
Italy deposits the instruments of ratification of the the Treaty of Amsterdam.
July  30
Ireland deposits the instruments of ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam.
September  4
Luxembourg deposits the instruments of ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam
October  1
The Europol Anti-drugs Convention enters into force.
October  15
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on combating counterfeiting and piracy in the single market.
October  24-25
Informal meeting of Heads of State or Government in Portschach, Austria.
November  4
The Commission adopts the reports assessing progress of countries applying for accession.
November  10
Ministerial-level meetings of accession conferences with Cyprus, Poland, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia.
November  11-13
The fourth conference of the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
November  16
The Court of Auditors publishes the special report on the assessment of Structural Fund interventions for the 1989-93 and 1994-99 periods.
December  9
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on policy concerning frequencies.
The Court of Auditors publishes the special report concerning the Community financing of certain measures taken as a result of the BSE crisis, together with the Commission's replies.
December  11-12
A European Council meeting is held in Vienna, Austria. The Council adopts the employment guidelines for 1999, decides to strengthen the process of convergence of employment policies with a view to a European employment pact, lays down arrangements for external representation of the euro, approves an action plan for the establishment of an area of freedom, security and justice and agrees on a strategy for Union work in 1999.
December  16
The Court of Auditors publishes the special report concerning the management by the Commission of the implementation of measures to promote equal opportunities for men and women, together with the Commission's replies.
December  31
The Netherlands deposits the instruments of ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam. The Council adopts fixed and irrevocable conversion rates between the national currencies of the 11 participating Member States and the euro.


January  1
Germany takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
The euro is officially launched. Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal and Spain adopt the euro as their official currency.
January  5
Spain deposits the instruments of ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam
January  12
Jacques Santer, President of the European Commission, calls for Parliament's confidence.
January  18
Mr Jan Karlsson is elected President of the Court of Auditors.
January  19
The European Court of Justice decrees that expulsion for life from a Member State's territory is contrary to Community Law.
January  20
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on public sector information in the information society.
January  27
The Commission adopts a White Paper on Commerce.
February  1
The Agreement between the European Communities and Slovenia enters into force.
February  17
Belgium deposits the instruments of ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam.
March  11
The European Commission publishes the codes of conduct for Members of the Commission and the relations between Commissioners and Commission departments.
March  15
Collective resignation of the Commission in wake of the report by the Committee of Independent Experts on the allegations regarding fraud, mismanagement and nepotism in the Commission.
March  16
The European Court of Justice annuls the registration of the name "feta" as a protected designation of origin.
March  22
Portugal deposits the instruments of ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam.
March  23
Greece deposits the instruments of ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam.
March  24
European Council declaration on the appointment of Mr Romano Prodi, new President of the Commission.
March  24-25
A special European Council is held in Berlin, Germany. An overall agreement on Agenda 2000 is reached; Mr Prodi is asked to accept the task of being the President of the next European Commission and two statements on Kosovo are adopted. Other declarations adopted deal with the Middle East peace process and enlargement, and the trade and cooperation agreement with South Africa is approved.
March  30
France deposits the instruments of ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam.
April  15-16
The Third Euro-Mediterranean Conference is held in Stuttgart, Germany. Libya attends for the first time as special guest of the Presidency. The ministers agree to give fresh impetus to their partnership in each of the three areas (political and security; economic and financial; social, cultural and human) identified at the Barcelona Conference, improving in particular intra-regional and sub-regional cooperation and the participation of non-governmental operators in the activities undertaken.
April  23
The Council adopts a common position and a regulation concerning a ban on the supply and sale of petroleum and petroleum products to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
April  26
The Council approves a joint action providing support for the reception and voluntary repatriation of refugees, displaced persons and asylum seekers, including those who have fled from Kosovo.
The Council adopts a decision which enables the European Court of First Instance, in certain circumstances, to give decisions when constituted by a single judge in cases coming under its jurisdiction.
April  28
The Commission adopts a White Paper on modernisation of the rules implementing Articles 85 and 86 of the EC Treaty (competition policy).
May  1
The Amsterdam Treaty enters into force.
May  5
The Parliament approves the nomination of Mr Romano Prodi as President of the Commission.
May  28
The President of the European Court of Justice presents the Council of Justice Ministers with a number of proposals and ideas on the future of the jurisdictional system of the European Union.
June  3-4
The European Council meeting is held in Cologne, Germany. It adopts the first European Union common strategy, which concerns Russia, and declarations on Kosovo and on the strengthening of European common foreign and security policy, and designates Mr Javier Solana Madariaga High Representative for the CFSP and Secretary-General of the Council. It also adopts the European Employment Pact, sets out the brief of the forthcoming intergovernmental conference and decides to lay down an EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
June  10
European Parliament elections are held in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Denmark.
June  11
European Parliament elections are held in Ireland.
June  13
European Parliament elections are held in Austria, Belgium, Spain, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal and Sweden.
June  14
The Council presents its conclusions on the contamination of certain foodstuffs by dioxin.
June  17
A EU-Canada summit is held in Bonn, Germany. The two sides sign an agreement on the enforcement of their competition laws and welcome the progress made in implementing the 1996 joint action plan and the trade initiative launched by the two parties in 1998, and in particular the launching of the Canada-Europe business dialogue round table. They also discuss preparations for the next round of multilateral trade negotiations, for which they identified shared objectives.
June  18
The European Anti-Fraud Office is set up.
June  18-20
The annual G8 summit is held in Koln, Germany. The Heads of State or Government define their priorities for coping with the challenges of the 21st century, particularly globalisation. They include implementing appropriate macroeconomic policies and structural reforms to promote sustainable growth, designing policies for more employment and strengthening social safeguards. Support for economic recovery in Russia; the building of a world trading system that works for everyone, based on the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the launching of a new round of broad-based and ambitious multilateral negotiations and the launching of a debt-reduction initiative for developing countries are also assigned priorities. The participants also adopt a statement on regional issues, welcoming the adoption of the South-Eastern Europe Stability Pact and reaffirming their support for the international civilian presence and international security presence in Kosovo.
June  20
The eighth EU-Japan Summit is held in Bonn, Germany. Both Japan and the EU emphasise their wish to enhance their relations, particularly by working on joint projects in the political sphere, cooperating in the preparation of the next round of multilateral trade negotiations and concluding a bilateral mutual recognition agreement.
June  21
The EU-US summit takes place in Bonn, Germany. The EU and the US undertake in a joint statement to strengthen their partnership under the New Transatlantic Agenda and, in particular, to work together to prevent and resolve international crises. They stress the importance of gradually establishing a common European security and defence policy. They also agree to set up an early warning system to enable both sides to detect the warning signs of potential conflicts soon enough to defuse the situation, thus avoiding damaging trade disputes. The participants also devote much attention to Kosovo and south-eastern Europe, looking at ways of making optimal use of their cooperation to facilitate the reconstruction of the region. They agre that the Commission would work with the World Bank to coordinate donor activities.
June  28-29
The Rio Declaration is adopted at the close of the first Summit of Heads of State and Government of the European Union, countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. It stresses the importance of developing a strategic partnership between the two regions and sets out 55 priorities for action. The political priorities include cooperation in international forums, combating organised crime, corruption, drugs and terrorism, disaster prevention and sustainable development. In the economic field, priority is assigned to joint action on implementing the results of the Uruguay Round, launching a new round of mutually beneficial multilateral trade negotiations and consolidating the international financial system. The Heads of State or Government also call on the European Investment Bank to step up its activities in Latin America and the Caribbean.
July  1
Finland takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
July  9
The Commission adopts decisions on protective measures with regard to dioxin contamination of certain products of animal origin intended for human or animal consumption, and decisions authorising an aid package for farms and businesses affected by the dioxin crisis in Belgium.
July  19
In accordance with the conclusions of the Vienna European Council, a meeting of the foreign ministers of the 15 EU Member States, the 10 candidate Central and East European countries, Cyprus, Malta and Switzerland (Turkey declines to attend) takes place in Brussels. The meeting focuses on the fight against transnational organised crime and the situation in the western Balkans.
July  20
The new European Parliament elects Ms Fontaine as its President.
July  23
The Commission adopts a decision setting 1 August as the date on which dispatch of United Kingdom bovine products under the date-based export scheme may commence.
July  28
The Commission adopts a Green Paper on liability for defective products.
July  30
Economic and Social Committee: First Convention on the "Role and Contribution of organised Civil Society in European Integration".
August  30
The European Parliament's Committee of Independent Experts issues a second report.
August  30-7
Hearings of the members-designate of the new Commission by the European Parliament.
September  15
The European Parliament votes and approves the new Commission.
September  29-1
An EU-US International conference on combating child pornography on the Internet is held in Vienna, Austria.
October  11-14
The 29th African, Cribbean, Pacific (ACP)-EU Joint Assembly is held in Nassau, Bahamas.
October  15-16
A special European Council is held in Tampere, Finland. An agreement is reached on a number of guidelines and political priorities, in particular relating to the right of asylum, immigration, access to justice and combating crime. Decisions are taken on the procedures for drafting the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights.
October  18-19
WEU Assembly Special Session is held in Luxembourg on "Security and Defence, the challenge for Europe after Cologne".
October  19
The Council of the European Union publishes the First Annual Report on Human Rights.
October  22
The EU-Russia summit is held in Helsinki, Finland. The conflict in Chechnya occupies an important place in the discussions.
October  26
The European Court of Justice decrees that national decisions concerning the organisation and management of the armed forces must generally observe the principle of equal treatment between women and men.
October  28
First judgement delivered by single judge at European Court of first instance.
November  25
Philippe Maystadt is appointed President of the European Investment Bank.
November  26
The Commission issues a report on Dioxin exposure and health.
November  30-3
A World Trade Organisation (WTO) meeting on the Millennium Round is held in Seattle, USA. Supposed to launch a new round of trade talks, it finishes with the participants unable to reach an agreement.
December  9
The European Commission decides on a Community Association and Reconstruction Assistance to the Western Balkans (CARA Programme).
December  10-11
A European Council is held in Helsinki, Finland. It decides to open accession negotiations with Romania, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Malta and to recognise Turkey as an applicant country. It agrees to call an Intergovernmental Conference to revise the Treaties in February 2000.
December  16
A EU-Canada summit is held in Ottawa, Canada. The two adopt joint statements on e-commerce and the information society, on northern cooperation and on s light weapons. The talks also focus on the results of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) ministerial conference in Seattle and on various trade dossiers, with the parties applauding the success of the bilateral trade initiative.
December  17
A EU-USA summit is held in Washington, USA. The two adopt joint statements on south-eastern Europe, Chechnya, the northern dimension of Europe, small arms, and the World Trade Organisation. On the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the two sides undertake to continue preparations for a new, all-embracing round of multilateral trade negotiations and underscore the need to make the World Trade Organisation (WTO)'s work more transparent and the negotiations more appealing for developing countries. The parties also agree to step up cooperation on justice and home affairs and on biotechnology. 
December  21
A EU-China summit is held in Beijing, China. Discussions center on the reform process in China, human rights issues, economic and trade relations, and, in particular the accession of China to the World Trade Organisation (WTO). During the summit the establishment of a China-EU Chamber of Commerce in Beijing and the continuation of the EU-China business dialogue were also announced.

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