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This version of Europe Gateway is outdated since April 25, 2014.

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Liverpool (UK) and Stavanger (Norway) are the two European Capitals of Culture for the year 2008, the European Commission announced in a press-release.

Designed to "contribute to bringing the peoples of Europe together", the European City of Culture project was launched, at the initiative of Melina Mercouri, by the Council of Ministers on 13 June 1985. It has grown in popularity ever since.

Liverpool will mark the beginning of its activities with Liverpool The Musical at the opening of the brand new Liverpool Arena on January 12 2008, an event that is headed by ex-Beatle Ringo Starr and Eurythmic Dave Stewart. Later in the year, fellow ex-Beatle Sir Paul McCartney will headline at The Liverpool Sound Concert at Anfield Stadium on June 1.

The Liverpool programme involves collaboration between the Liverpool Culture Company and major cultural institutions, artists, performers and venues throughout Liverpool Merseyside, and beyond. Much of the 2008 programme is made up of free events.

Stavanger is presenting an ambitious vision: OPEN PORT, which stands for openness towards the world. The aim is to offer something to those who have never thought of themselves as creative as well as to those for whom the highest forms of art are daily bread. The Stavanger 2008 programme brings together local, regional and national artists, with the most potent creative forces from elsewhere in the world.

On 12 January 2008, all municipalities in the county will take part in the celebration inaugurating Stavanger's year as European Capital of Culture. Each municipality will create a performance based on one of the themes Rhythms, Words and Tunes, Light and Nature. Guests will be able to listen to Nordic underground rock and pop music as well as folk music and brass bands, and attend an opening party in a giant marquee.

Liverpool 2008 web site here.

Stavanger 2008 web site here.

Commissioner Figel's website here.

Recent European Capitals of Culture have been:

•    2003: Graz (Austria)

•    2004: Genoa (Italy), Lille (France)

•    2005: Cork (Ireland)

•    2006: Patras (Greece)

•    2007: Luxembourg and greater region (Luxembourg), Sibiu (Romania).

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