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This version of Europe Gateway is outdated since April 25, 2014.

Actualités / Actualités

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Dimitar Tadarukov: EU Funds on Agriculture shall be unblocked in the next few days

"The audit in SAPARD Agency has concluded and the EU money will be released in the next few days". This statement was made by Dimitar Tadarukov, Executive Director of Bulgaria's State Agriculture Fund, at the opening of the Bulgarian Agricultural People's Union 37th congress in Sofia.

The Chairperson of the Union Stefan Lichev commented that EU funds suspension will not stop the mafia but strengthen its positions. This will result in small manufacturers going bankrupt and paving the way for big players from the shadowy business. According to Lichev, a special fund has to be established which shall exercise control over food product prices rates. "The budget surplus should not be spent on election activities but must go to this reserve fund which will compensate price tremors", suggests BAPU's chairperson.

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