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This version of Europe Gateway is outdated since April 25, 2014.

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Airline companies are going to issue electronic tickets only

As of 1 June, 240 airline companies, members of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), are completely suspending the use of paper tickets and are moving entirely towards electronic tickets, BTA announced. The elimination of paper tickets will also allow the saving of 5 square meters of coniferous woods each year.

The airline companies which are members of IATA account for 94 % of the passengers and freight air transport. The decision to give up paper tickets will enable the companies to save USD 3 billion annually because an electronic ticket costs an average of USD 1 which is ten times lower than the cost of paper tickets.

IATA announced also that the growing world fuel prices, and of kerosene in particular, has negative impact on the growth of international air traffic. According to IATA the passenger air traffic growth slowed to 3% compared to 5.4 % during the same period of 2007.

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