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This version of Europe Gateway is outdated since April 25, 2014.

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The European Commission: no upcoming release of SAPARD funds for Bulgaria

A spokesperson of the European Commission has refuted recent statements made in Bulgaria for upcoming release of frozen SAPARD funds. "Last week our experts were in Bulgaria. They are now preparing their report, which will take time. Only then we shall consider our answer. At the moment we cannot speak of releasing any of the frozen SAPARD funds for Bulgaria in the next few days", stated Michael Mann, spokesperson for EU Agriculture Commissioner Marian Fischer Boel.

Mann made those comments before Bulgarian journalists in relation to statements coming from Bulgaria's State Agriculture Fund head Dimitar Tadarukov that the EC audit has concluded favorably and the SAPARD funds shall be unblocked in a matter of days.
Michael Mann has not committed himself to any specific term for EC answer with regards to the frozen funds. "Such answer may be expected in the next few weeks", Mann added.

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