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The EU to introduce unprecedented EU funds monitoring system in Bulgaria

Bulgaria is to become in June the first EU member where specially developed software for control over EU funds absorption shall be introduced. The monitoring shall also follow the level of completion of projects financed by the EU, according to the EC spokesperson Eva Kalujinska cited by the Bulgarian National Radio (BNR).

The system is called "Lotar" and has been developed by the offices of the "Regional Policy" Directorate to help Bulgarian institutions receive at any time a full and realistic picture of the process of project implementation, EC spokesperson announced.

The software will be introduced to the ministries and agencies working with EU funds and is aimed at increasing the political and technical responsibility, Kalujinska added. "Lotar" shall be connected to a special monitoring system at the European Commission.This way Brussels would be able to directly monitor project implementation and related payments from the lowest to the highest levels of the Bulgarian administration in charge of EU projects.

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