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This version of Europe Gateway is outdated since April 25, 2014.

Actualités / Actualités

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Atanas Kunchev is the new executive director of the Bulgarian State Fund Agriculture

After relevant coordination procedure with the Bulgarian Prime Minister Sergey Stanishev, Atanas Kunchev was elected as the new Executive Director of the Bulgarian State Fund Agriculture. Until now Kunchev has been Deputy Minister of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food announced.

Atanas Kunchev will be publicly presented by Valeri Tsvetanov, Minister of Agriculture and Food, at a press conference which will take place on 4 July, 10.00 a.m. at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in Sofia.

The Managing Board of the State Fund Agriculture adopted a decision on relieving Vladimir Karamishev of his duties as Deputy Executive Director of the Fund. So far he has been in charge of SAPARD implementation in Bulgaria. Until the appointment of new Deputy Executive Director in charge of SAPARD, Alisan Iahova, Deputy Executive Director of the Fund, will take over Karamishev's current duties and responsibilities. It was also decided that not later than the beginning of next week, the new Deputy Executive Director will be appointed.

The NAO Dimitar Ivanovski, Deputy Minister of Finance, will be immediately informed about all of the decisions adopted by the Managing Board of the Fund. Ivanovski will duly inform the European Commission about the personal changes carried out in the Fund.

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