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Bulgarian milk producers register in Greece

The milk producers from the region of Kardjali renew their protests after the government decided to wait for a decision of the European Commission for additional state support for this economic branch, announced.

The government has allocated BGN 60 million (30 million EUR) for satisfying the milk producers' demands but they will be granted after the so-called „notification" or permission from the European Commission. This became clear after yesterday's meeting of the Bulgarian Council of Ministers.

The Minister of Agriculture, Valeri Tsvetanov, initially announced that a decision for their allotment had already been adopted without the prior permission of Brussels and regardless of the sanctions which might follow for Bulgaria, Darik radio commented.
The other Ministers participating in the briefing - Mihail Mikov and Miglena Tacheva, hastened to correct him but to be on the safe side, asked the journalists to wait for the official press release.

The farmers' protests have continued for two weeks now with demands for a year-round subsidy of 20 stotinki (10 eurocents) per liter milk of good quality which amounts to 60 million BGN from the state budget.

As a result of this uncertainty, today the protesters will head their herds to Greece, where they will try to register themselves as producers in order to get subsidies from the Greek state. The protests of the milk producers in Northern Bulgaria also continue.

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