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This version of Europe Gateway is outdated since April 25, 2014.

Actualités / Actualités

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OLAF Director General to visit Bulgaria at the invitation of Deputy PM Plugchieva

The Director of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) Franz-Hermann Brüner is going to arrive in Sofia on Thursday at the invitation of the Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister in charge of EU funds' absorption Meglena Plugchieva. OLAF's head is going to have meetings with the Bulgarian Prime Minister Sergey Stanishev, Chief Prosecutor Boris Velchev, Interior Minister Mihail Mikov and Justice Minister Miglena Tacheva, Darik Radio announced.

The sides will look at the opportunities for conducting training of the Bulgarian state administration aimed at preventing EU funds frauds. There is upcoming OLAF mission in the end of August which will focus on training of the Bulgarian state administration for prevention of irregularities during the evaluation of EU projects. The training of the first group of state employees will start in September.

"The visit of Mr. Brüner will be followed by another OLAF mission starting on 25 August. Along with the upcoming meetings and the issues concerning our cooperation, the subject of training our administration in prevention of irregularities is also of importance to me", Deputy PM Plugchieva stressed.

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