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This version of Europe Gateway is outdated since April 25, 2014.

Actualités / Actualités

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Franz-Hermann Brüner: We have tried to find the way to cooperation in the future between Bulgaria and OLAF

„I am very satisfied with the meeting. We have tried to find the way to cooperation in the future", the Director General of OLAF Franz-Hermann Brüner said after his meeting with the Bulgarian PM Sergey Stanishev in Sofia. According to the diplomat, the meeting was a key moment to identify where the problems are and after that - to go ahead, FOCUS News Agency informed.

Brüner explained that better communication and joint work were needed in order to have more successful cooperation. He stressed that the OLAF report, which had been sent to the Bulgarian government, was not intended to serve as court evidence but only as a basis for discussions.

Bulgarian PM Stanishev added: „We've outlined concrete measures, that are still to be fine-tuned after the talks with the Minister of Interior, the Chairman of the State Agency for National Security, the Deputy Prime Minister Meglena Plugchieva and the Prosecutor in Chief". He explained that this referred not only to the government but also to the judicial system.

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