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This version of Europe Gateway is outdated since April 25, 2014.

Actualités / Actualités

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Landowners Warn for Problems with Registering Agricultural Land in Paying Agencies

In a number of places in the country the agricultural land, registered in the software of the Paying Agency (PA) for direct payments per decare have prior to that been announced to have come down. Steliyan Stoyanov, chairman of the National Grain Producers Association, cited by, informed that there are even written reports for landslides in areas for cultures like corn and sunflower. That is the real reason for land that is actually arable to fall into the so called code B.

According to Stoyanov, the problems occurred not because of the agriculture producers but because of the technical implementation of the whole correspondence within PA and its software.

"The PA software is unreal and there is inaccuracy in the information that has to be corrected, because we can not allow for the agriculture producers to miss on their payments again next year. Those are some trivial technical problems, which agriculture producers can not afford", Steliyan Stoyanov explained.

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