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Plugchieva: “not only we continue, but we continue with the same Rate”

According to the Minister of Economy Petar Dimitrov the withheld funds for Bulgaria would be allocated to "the other member states, the culprits for the financial crisis"
"The commitment of the government will not only continue, but it will also continue with the same rate, the same will and the same transparency." That is how Deputy Prime Minister Meglena Plugchieva commented on the management of EU money by the Bulgarian government, cited by

"Bulgaria demonstrates and is going to demonstrate it even more, that it is worth its EU membership, a good and strong partner in this Union, which contributes far more advantages and good points than disadvantages and weaknesses", Plugchieva was explicit. According to the Deputy Prime Minister the criticism which Bulgaria received form OLAF are already "a stage which Bulgaria is successfully passing." She highlighted the cooperation of all judicial bodies in Bulgaria, which are on "a substantially new stage with a significantly improved coordination and with an apparent message to the community". She expressed her hopes that all state institutions will continue their work "with the same speed and the same commitment for concrete and clear results".

On his part, the Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov said for BNT this morning, cited by, that the decision of the EC for stopping of "those 220 million euro for Bulgaria gives the chance for the withheld funds to be allocated among the other member states. It turns out that the culprits for the financial crisis are given money and funds are taken form us", he said and he cited the chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel: "The fight for the billions which the EU allocates to the ones hit by the crisis has started". Minster Dimitrov added that according to him the economy growth will remain about 5.5% and in this regard Bulgaria is in a better situation than most Western European countries.

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