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the MAnagement of RINA DIscusses “Trakia” highway with EC

On Monday, January 12th, the managing director of Road Infrastructure National Agency (RINA) Yanko Yankov and the chair of the Supervisory council Ivan Atanasov will meet in Brussels with representatives of the European Commission about the construction of "Trakia" Highway, RINA reported.

The visit is connected with the letter dating from the end of December in which Directorate General "Internal Market and Services" of the European Commission demands no contracts to be signed on the procedures for commissioning the construction of Lot 2 and 3 of "Trakia" highway. In its letter the EC insists that no further actions be taken in regard with the procedures which would face the Commission with a fait accompli.

In this regard on December 30th, the managing director of RINA signed a resolution to temporarily stop the work of the committees responsible for the choice of contractors.

The management of the road agency hopes that during their visit to Brussels they will receive information from the EC about its final opinion and in regard with the formal written reply sent by RINA to the letter from the Commission.

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