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Actualités / Actualités

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19 Million Euros of SAPARD Funding Unblocked

19 million euros of SAPARD funding for Bulgaria have been unblocked. The news came from the Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Mariann Fischer Boel, cited by Focus Agency. The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Simeon Dyankov who made the announcement said, that the news had come in literary minutes ago.

Dyankov explained that the total of 109 million EUR in SAPARD funding can be unblocked. He took part in the session of the Council for the Management of EU Funds which took place in the Council of Ministers.

Earlier today, Minister of agriculture Naidenov announced from Brussels that the decision for unblocking of 140 million euros in SAPARD funding will probably be announced on Thursday when Prime Minister Borisov is meeting EC President Jose Manuel Barroso.

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