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Statement of Elmar Brok MEP for the EPP
26/04/2006, Brussels     
The EPP members of the European Parliament, Elmar Brok, Chairman of the AFET Committee in the European Parliament, stresses the right of control of the European Parliament. The question we put to the European Commission today, concerning the EU accession of Bulgaria and Romania was supported by all other political groups. Its objective is not to put the two countries in a system of discrimination but  to guarantee all citizens of Europe that the two countries will join the EU when they fulfil the criteria in the Accession treaty and adopt the acquis communautaire. Brok:  "I can not accept accusations of anti-Bulgarian or Romanian attitude of the EPP-ED Group. It is namely my group that wants to see the two countries join the EU and contribute to its future stability and flourishing."
He emphasised that the ALDE Group in the European Parliament should stop with its cheap and simple political game in order to make itself more popular in Bulgaria. It is ridiculous to blame the EPP-ED Group and the Bulgarian right Observers for postponing the EU accession of Bulgaria when the government shows substantial shortcomings in the fight against organised crime, money laundry and judiciary system. It is namely our Bulgarian Observers and our partner parties in Bulgaria that insist despite of the disadvantages of the current government policy, on keeping the momentum of 1st January 2007.
"It would be useful of the Observers in the European Parliament from the ruling coalition to contribute to a fruitful debate here. In order to catch up the delay, the government should do its homework" concluded Brok.

Meanwhile, another press-release was issued by an EP group:

European Liberals and Democrats reaffirm 1 January 2007 for Bulgarian and Romanian accession

The Alliance of the Liberals and Democrats for Europe welcomes the constructive spirit of today's plenary debate on the accession of Bulgaria and Romania. ALDE has always been committed to the timely accession of the two countries and is unremitting in criticizing the hypocrisy and double standards among politicians who say one thing and do another.

(Portal EUROPE)

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