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Union européen / Institutions de l'UE / Organes consultatifs

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The European Economic and Social Committee represents the views and interests of organised civil society vis-a-vis the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament. The Committee has to be consulted on matters relating to economic and social policy; it may also issue opinions on its own initiative on other matters, which it considers to be important.It is an advisory body and has to give its opinion on important aspects of new EU initiatives. This is part of the common European tradition of involving civil society in political life.

The 344 members of the Committee are put forward by the governments of the Member States and appointed by the Council of the European Union for a renewable term of four years. The Committee has a Plenary Assembly, a Bureau, three Groups, six Sections and a Secretariat-General. It elects its President and two Vice-Presidents for a two-year term. The President represents the ESC externally.

The seat of the ESC is in Brussels, where most of its meetings and the plenary sessions are held. Meetings are also organised at other locations.

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