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2005/S 111-109878

Location — Republic of Bulgaria

Service procurement notice
1. Publication reference: EuropeAid/121226/D/S/BG
2. Procedure: Open.
3. Programme: Phare.
4. Financing: Financing Memorandum 2003/005-630 Phare Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Bulgaria-Greece
5. Contracting authority: Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Contract specification
6. Description of the contract: 
Delivery, installation and putting into operation of monitoring equipment for Arda river water quality control:
— Portable Monitoring Equipment for Water Quality Control (physical-chemical and bio-monitoring) of Arda River (for water sampling and water quality analyses);
— Off-road Vehicle and Motor-rubber Boat for water sampling — 2 units (1 vehicle and 1 boat);
— Control Stations — 2 units.
The contract also includes calibration of equipment, maintenance within the warranty period and staff training on the use of equipment.

7. Numbers and titles of lots: 1.

Terms of participation
8. Eligibility and rules of origin: 
Participation is open on equal terms to all natural and legal persons (participating either individually or in a grouping (consortium) of tenderers) of the Member States and the countries and territories of the regions covered and/or authorised by the Regulation or other specific instruments applicable to the programme under which the contract is financed (see also item 21 below). All goods supplied under this contract must originate in these countries. These countries/territories, which are authorised by the respective Regulations are the Phare beneficiary countries: Bulgaria and Romania, the candidate country Turkey as well as the CARDS countries: Albania, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro. All goods supplied under this contract must originate in these countries.
9. Grounds for exclusion: 
Tenderers must submit a statement to the effect that they are not in any of the situations listed in point 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide to contracts procedures financed by the general budget of the European Communities in the context of external actions.
10. Number of tenders: 
Tenders (including firms within the same legal group, other members of the same consortium, and subcontractors) may submit only one tender for the lot. Tenders for parts of a lot will not be considered. Tenderers may not submit a tender for a variant solution in addition to their tender for the supplies required in the tender dossier.
11. Tender guarantee: 
Tenderers must provide a tender guarantee of EUR 2 000 when submitting their tender. This guarantee will be released to unsuccessful tenderers once the tender procedure has been completed and to the successful tenderer upon signature of the contract by all parties. This guarantee will be called upon if the tenderer does not fulfil all obligations stated in its tender.
12. Performance guarantee: 
The successful tenderer will be asked to provide a performance guarantee of 10 % of the amount of the contract at the signing of the contract. This guarantee must be provided no later than 30 days after the tenderer receives the contract signed by the contracting authority. If the selected tenderer fails to provide such a guarantee within this period, the contract will be void and a new contract may be drawn up and sent to the tenderer which has submitted the next best compliant tender.
13. Information meeting and/or site visit: No information meeting is planned.
14. Tender validity: Tenders must remain valid for a period of 90 days after the deadline for submission of tenders.
15. Period of execution: 240 calendar days.

Selection and award criteria
16. Selection criteria: 
The minimum qualifying criteria for each tenderer include:
1) Economic and financial standing capacity:
(a) The annual revenue of the tenderer (the firm or the leading partner of a consortium) for each of the last 3 years for which the accounts have been closed shall amount to at least EUR 0,2 million according to their audited financial statements;
2) Professional capacity of Tenderer(s) (firm or the leading partner of the consortium):
(a) The tenderer (the firm or the leading partner of a consortium) has to demonstrate at least 3 years experience in the field of delivery, installation, putting into operation, maintenance and users training of the types of water quality monitoring equipment it is bidding for.
(b) The manufacturer shall operate under a quality system that has been certified by an accredited certification body to comply with ISO 9001:2000 or under other internationally recognised quality assurance system.
3) Technical capacity:
a) The tenderer (the firm or the leading partner of a consortium) shall, during the last 5 years (since 1.1.2000), have completed at least 2 supply projects in the respective field amounting to minimum 60 % of the financial bid each and involving activities such as delivery, installation, putting into operation and maintenance of the types of water quality monitoring equipment it is bidding for.
b) The tenderer (the firm or the consortium as a whole) should have a network of service points for items II.1.2.2 and II.2.1 tendered, in the locations of ultimate delivery, or at a distance not greater than 500 km from the respective location of ultimate delivery.
As evidence of meeting the criteria above the tenderer should provide the documents/statements specified in the tender dossier.
17. Award criteria: Price.

18. How to obtain the tender dossier: 
The tender dossier is available from the following internet address: The tender dossier is also available for collection from the contracting authority. Tenders must be submitted using the standard tender form included in the tender dossier, whose format and instructions must be strictly observed.
Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to:
Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, Sofia 1202, Bulgaria, Kiril and Methodius Str. 17-19, Room 618- Phare CBC Project Implementing Agency, e-mail:
(mentioning the Publication reference shown in item 1) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders given in item 19. The contracting authority must reply to all tenderers' questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders.
19. Deadline for submission of tenders: 
Tenders must be received before 14.00 (local time) on 10.8.2005.
Any tender received after this deadline will not be considered.
20. Tender opening sesssion: 
10.8.2005, (14.30) local time.
At the following address:
Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, Sofia 1202, Bulgaria, Kiril and Methodius Str. 17-19, Phare CBC Project Implementing Agency, conference room on the 2nd floor.
21. Legal basis: 
Council Regulation (EC) No 1605/2002 of 25.6.2002; Council Regulation (EEC) No 3906/89 of 18.12.1989 as amended; Council Regulation (EC) No 2500/2001 of 17.12.2001; Council Regulation No 769/2004 of 21.4.2004.


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