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This version of Europe Gateway is outdated since April 25, 2014.


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Call for proposals for modal shift, catalyst, motorways of the sea, traffic avoidance and common learning actions under the second Marco Polo Programme

Are you in the freight transport or logistic business? The 2010 call for proposals is your next chance to apply for Marco Polo funding. Some € 64 million are available, supporting between 35% and 50% of the eligible project costs.

The deadline to submit project proposals is 18 May 2010.

Funding Areas 2010

Modal shift actions, which focus on shifting as much freight as economically meaningful under current market conditions from road to short sea shipping, rail and inland waterways. They may be proposing start-up of new services or significantly enhance existing services. They shall be robust, but not necessarily innovative: just shift freight off the road!

Catalyst actions change the way non-road freight transport is conducted in the Union. Under this type of action, structural market barriers in European freight transport are overcome through a highly innovative concept: causing a real break-through.

Motorways of the sea actions offer a door-to-door service, which shift freight from long road distances to a combination of short sea shipping and other modes of transport. Actions of this kind are innovative at a European level in terms of logistics, equipment, products and services.

Common learning actions enhance knowledge in the freight logistics sector and foster advanced methods of co-operation in the freight market. These actions actively encourage the sharing of knowledge and know-how within the sector.

Traffic avoidance actions integrate transport into production logistics: reducing freight transport demand by road with a direct impact on emissions. Actions of this type shall be innovative and shall not adversely affect production output and production workforce.

Who can apply? Which projects are funded?

Only commercial undertakings (possibly owned by public administrations) from the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Croatia can apply.

The Call 2010 is the first Call under the revised legislation of Marco Polo II. The new conditions for submitting a proposal will:

  • facilitate the participation of small enterprises;
  • lower the thresholds for eligibility;
  • increase the level of funding;
  • simplify the procedures.

Pure infrastructure projects, research & development projects and studies are not eligible.


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