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Invitation to tender, services procurement notice

The Bulgarian National Vine and Wine Chamber invites interested parties to tender as the Implementation Body for a project called ‘Promoting European Wine Regions - Danubian Plain and Thracian Lowlands” which will undertake a series of dynamic promotion and information measures designed to increase sales of the specific Regional Wines from the EU (Bulgaria) targeted specifically to the markets of China, Japan and India.

This 3 year Project Proposal is under the measure “Promotion in Third Countries” of The Bulgarian National Strategy for developing the viticulture and wine production 2008/2009 – 2013/2014, (Ordinance №1/26.01.2009 for the conditions and procedures for receiving financial help under the National Strategy for developing the viticulture and wine production 2008/2009 – 2013/2014, Council Regulation (EC) No 479/ 2008 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 555/2008).

The purpose of the programme is to raise awareness about EU initiatives that guarantee quality of Regional Wines, to increase competitiveness, awareness and consumption of the wines in the indicated markets.

Candidates are invited to declare their interest by 17.00 hrs Monday June 8th 2009, by writing to the Project Manager. Tender documents outlining the contract specification, conditions of participation, provisional timetable, selection and award criteria and application details will be sent to all candidates applying to this Invitation to Tender.

Project Manager
National Vine and Wine Chamber, 10 Lege Street, Sofia 1000 BULGARIA
Tel: 02/ 9884797 and +359 888557443

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