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Le Parlement europeen / Analyses

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Ratification of the Lisbon Treaty: Problems not only in Ireland

EPIN recommends: No. 18: Ratification of the Lisbon Treaty: Problems not only in Ireland by Piotr Maciej Kaczyński, Sebastian Kurpas and Peadar ó Broin, September 2008.

After the Irish voters rejected the Treaty of Lisbon in a public referendum on 12 June 2008, European Union leaders decided nevertheless to continue the ratification process, with the aim of achieving 26 ratifications by mid-October 2008. This plan failed, however, due to rising political and legal problems in a number of countries. Apart from its rejection in Ireland, the Treaty of Lisbon’s ratification is now being contested in the Constitutional Courts of Germany and the Czech Republic and it faces political challenges in the Czech Republic and Poland. This paper presents the state of play of the ratification process and the national debates in the four countries where the treaty’s future is most called into question: Ireland, Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland.

Click HERE for the full text.

EPIN Working Papers present analyses of key issues raised by the debate on the political integration of Europe. The European Policy Institutes Network (EPIN) is a network of think tanks and policy institutes based throughout Europe, which focuses on current EU political and policy debates (see back cover for more information). Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed are attributable only to the authors in a personal capacity and not to any institutions with which they are associated.

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