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Le Parlement europeen / Actualités

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Cancun - Climate protection needs realism and ambition

European Parliament adopts Resolution for the UN Climate Conference in Cancun/unilateral 30% target not responsible

"The EU has to present ambitious but realistic targets for the United Nations' Climate Conference in Cancun. Excessive demands, as put forward during the vote in the European Parliament (EP) are irresponsible", said the EPP Group Spokesman, Karl-Heinz Florenz MEP.

Mr Florenz, who is also leading the EPP Group's delegation to the Conference, said: "The EU is a leader when it comes to climate protection. Therefore, our aim must be to persuade other countries to follow our endeavours to reduce our emissions by 20% until 2020. A unilateral and unconditional rise in targets without the US, China or India simply will not be possible."

In the final vote on the EP's position, the EPP Group voted against the Resolution (292 to 274 votes). The Resolution is, according to Karl-Heinz Florenz, 'green dreaming'.

"We made a stance and made clear that we cannot ask our industry to shoulder a unilateral increase in targets. Europe needs to speak with one voice. Therefore, the EPP Group will support the Council and the Commission arguing against an unconditional 30% target", declared Karl-Heinz Florenz.

A further highlight of the vote was an amendment asking to limit the global temperature increase to only 1.5°C instead of 2°C. "Luckily, thanks to a united approach, the EPP Group could reject this amendment. To achieve the 1.5°C target, we would have to reduce global emissions to zero within the next ten years and reach negative emissions after that. We lose our credibility with such demands, and our credibility is our biggest asset in these negotiations!"

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