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Le Parlement europeen / Actualités

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Hungarian Presidency: confidence in the Orbán Government. Joseph Daul MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group

"Rarely has the Presidency of the Council of Ministers been faced with so many challenges - the Euro, growth and employment, energy independence and security of food supply - while commodity prices are increasing at an alarming rate", said Joseph Daul MEP, commenting on the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency during a debate with Viktor Orbán and José Manuel Barroso.

"I have no doubt that the Hungarian Presidency will rise to these challenges."

The Chairman of the most influential European parliamentary Group recalled that the Hungarian Prime Minister's Party, Fidesz, was created and is based on a core value: that of freedom. He welcomed the new Hungarian Government's willingness to reform following years of bad governance.

"Today, one of these reforms, that which concerns the media, is subject to legal assessment by the European Commission. For my part, I trust the European Commission in its role as Guardian of the Treaties, and I have confidence in the Hungarian Prime Minister who has pledged to change the law if the Commission deems certain provisions in that law contrary to Community legislation. I refuse any trial of intent", continued Joseph Daul.

The Chairman of the EPP Group also called on the Hungarian Presidency to provide all necessary assistance to Tunisia, which is going through a tense but vital period and must be supported on its way towards change.  

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