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Union européen / Institutions de l'UE / Organismes décentralisés de l'Union européenne (agences)

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Cedefop – the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, established in 1975, is a European agency that helps promote and develop vocational education and training in the European Union (EU). Originally based in Berlin,
Cedefop was one of the first specialised and decentralised agencies set up. In 1995, Cedefop’s head office was transferred to Thessaloniki, while it operates a liaison office in Brussels.

Cedefop works to promote a European area of lifelong learning throughout an enlarged EU. It does this by providing information on and analyses of vocational education and training systems, policies, research and practice.

Cedefop’s tasks are to:

  • compile selected documentation and analyses of data;
  • contribute to developing and coordinating research;
  • exploit and disseminate information;
  • encourage joint approaches to vocational education and training problems;
  • provide a forum for debate and exchanges of ideas.

Cedefop has set the following medium-term priorities for 2003–06 to guide its activities and the information it provides:

  • improving access to learning, mobility and social inclusion;
  • enabling and valuing learning;
  • supporting networks and partnerships in an enlarged EU.

Cedefop presents its information in electronic and printed media and also brings people together through the study visits, conferences and seminars it organises.

Cedefop’s information is targeted at vocational education and training policy-makers, researchers and practitioners in the EU and beyond.

Cedefop work programmes and the latest annual report are available on the Internet:  Information is also available on the Cedefop staff and management board as well as its organisation.

Cedefop also operates an interactive website called the European Training Village:

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