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Romanian and Bulgarians wishing to join the EU institutions bureaucratic team could still enlist for competition till 20 July.

European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) has published the competition end of June, announcing that the EU now hires Romanian and Bulgarian citizens to fill in jobs in European public administration, law, economics and audit and secretarial field, EUexpands reports.

This is due to the EU accession of both countries next year.

The candidates would first need to succeed a selection test before being put though the competence test.

The ones succeeding one or both selections would be placed in a reserve list from which all EU institutions could pick up personnel later.

This is the first EU competition open to Romanian and Bulgarians, apart from the one already run this spring which selected translators and interpreters from and to Romanian and Bulgarian languages.

EU has organized a similar selection in 2003 for the citizens of the ten new EU members that joined the club in 2004.

Проект на Европейския институт | Център за модернизиране на политики | Институт за европейски политики |
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