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The remarks accompanying budget heading 15 06 06 (‘Special annual events’) stipulate that ‘EUR 1 000 000 is intended, at the time of the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, to finance the preparation and organisation of an exhibition tracing the history of European integration which will be held in Brussels. A schools competition could be organised to allow a school from each Member State to come to Brussels to visit the exhibition’.

In accordance with these remarks, the present call for proposals supports the preparation and organisation of an exhibition on the history of European integration to mark the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome. This exhibition is to be held in Brussels.
The purpose of the exhibition is to highlight all that has been achieved with the help of the Community and the benefits the Community brings to all the citizens of Europe.
The exhibition is to also include an educational and instructional aspect to give visitors a better understanding of the issue of European integration. This educational dimension could involve, for instance, holding an inter-schools competition which would allow schools from each of the Member States to come to Brussels to visit the exhibition.

Call for proposals pdf (86.42 Kb)

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