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This version of Europe Gateway is outdated since April 25, 2014.

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EC has not Decided whether to stop ISPA Payments

The European Commission will announce its final decision about the possible freeze of 652000 euros from ISPA, offered by Bulgaria after it is acquainted with the documents on the matter. Dennis Abbott, spokesman for Commissioner for Regional Policy Danuta Hübner said for Darik Radio.

Deputy Prime Minister Plugchieva proposed that 652 thousand euros for technical aid on ISPA Transport sector be stopped. As part of the ISPA programme 880 million euros have been granted to Bulgaria. About 330milion of them have been used and 550 million are still frozen on three transport projects, including Lyulin Highway.

According to Deputy Prime Minister Meglena Plugchieva, a main reason for that is the fact that the recently launched National Agency Road Infrastructure still does not work effectively which would lead to sanctions for our country by Brussels after November 23rd. By that time the three separate audit reports for the implementation of the programme should be ready.

Dennis Abbott explained "without a well-functioning road agency it would be impossible for the Commission to invest the 1 billion euros that had been intended for the road sector".

"I would like to point out explicitly that the position of the European Commission is absolutely clear. We will do everything in our powers to help Bulgarian authorities in resolving problems with irregularities if found. A tremendous amount of work is completed in Bulgaria and in the EC, systematic reforms are necessary, I hope that all of this will happen as soon as possible" the spokesman for Commissioner Hübner emphasized.

Abbott concluded: "I would say that EC would not consider restarting of the EU funding until we carry out an independent examination proving that the action plan had been entirely implemented and the issues had been resolved".

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Die EU-Fonds für Bulgarien
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