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The European Parliament accepted Wednesday with hand voting a resolution for Bulgaria and Romania's EU entry.

The newly adopted resolution gives a clear signal that the European Parliament is supporting Bulgaria and Romania's timely entry - January 1, 2007 on condition that Sofia and Bucharest manage to execute the tasks they have assumed, reported.

The Parliament appealed to the European Council to allow the timely entry of Bulgaria "if they are ready." The MEPs agreed that Sofia and Bucharest should efficiently use the months left and to present actual results.

Portal EUROPE offers you to see the drafts for this resolution, deposited earlier by the different political groups in the EP. Portal EUROPE has received these proposals from a source.


European Parliament resolution on the preparation of the European Council of 15-16 June 2006
The European Parliament,
– having regard to the Presidency Conclusions of the Brussels European Council of 16-17 December 2004

– having regard to its resolutions and reports since the beginning of the accession negotiations and its recommendations on the application by Bulgaria and Romania to become a member of the European Union

– having regard to the Treaty of Accession of the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union, signed on 25 April 2005

– having regard to the May 2006 Commission's Comprehensive Monitoring report on Bulgaria and Romania

– having regard to Rule 103(2) of its Rules of Procedure
A. Whereas the accession of Bulgaria and Romania will complete the fifth enlargement of the EU which started in May 2004 with the accession of ten new Member Sates;

B. Whereas the conditions of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania were agreed in the Accession Treaty signed on 25 April 2005 between the 25 Member States and both countries after the European Parliament has given its assent to this Accession Treaty;

C. Whereas this Treaty provides that Bulgaria and Romania will join on 1 January 2007 unless the Council decides, upon a recommendation from the Commission, to postpone the accession of these countries until 2008; recalling, in this regard, the exchange of letters between the President of the European Parliament and the President of the European Commission on the full association of the Parliament to any decision to postpone accession;

D. Whereas this Treaty has not been yet ratified by all EU Member States and the ratification process has to be completed before the accession of Bulgaria and Romania;

E. Whereas the Commission's Comprehensive Monitoring report of May 2006 gives a contrasting picture of the state of readiness of both countries by recognising the progress made in the remaining areas of concern since October 2005 while still insisting on the need to continue obtaining tangible results in these areas before their accession;

F. Whereas in Romania significant steps have been taken in the reform of the judiciary and solid structures were set up so as to fight against corruption; recognizing, in this regard, that over the past year an unprecedented number of cases of high level corruption, including high ranking politicians from different political boards, haven been brought to justice;

G. Whereas in Bulgaria the measures undertaken to reform the judiciary and the fight against corruption need to be further reinforced and to demonstrate clear evidence of results; recognizing, however, that these measures have allowed investigations into high level corruption cases and the lifting of the immunity of six members of parliament;

1. Calls on the Council to take due account of the May 2006 Commission's Monitoring report on Bulgaria and Romania and its decision to continue to monitor the progress made by these countries until October 2006 before deciding on the accession date of both countries;

2. Considers that the accession date of both countries should be determined on the basis of the Commission's Monitoring report of this autumn after a rigorous analysis of the state of readiness of these countries in the important areas;

3. Reminds the Council that the Commission should take the views of the European Parliament before issuing its final recommendation on the accession date of Bulgaria and Romania in order to fully associate the Parliament to any possible decision to postpone accession;

4. Considers, on the basis of the regular assessments made by the Commission, that the prospect of accession has been a powerful force driving reforms in both countries and stresses, in this regard, that Romania has made substantial progress in areas of paramount importance such as the fight against corruption and the strengthening of the independence of the judiciary;

5. Emphasises the need for both countries to continue to consolidate the ongoing justice reform by further enhancing the transparency, the efficiency and the impartiality of the judiciary as well as to demonstrate further results in the fight against corruption with special emphasis on the fight against organised crime and the clarification of killing's contracts; stresses the utmost importance to take all necessary measures to fight against trafficking of human beings and to seriously improve the social inclusion of Roma communities especially regarding housing, health care, education and unemployment;

6. Calls, in particular, on the Commission to closely monitor the necessary action to be taken by Bulgaria in the area of nuclear energy regarding the closure and the subsequent decommissioning of the reactors of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant;

7. Welcomes the start of opening the archives of the former totalitarian secret services in Bulgaria and Romania for public examination;

8. Underlines the importance for the future of the EU enlargement process to scrupulously base the progress of candidate and accession countries on the "own merit' approach;

9. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and the Commission;


European Parliament resolution on the accession of Bulgaria and Romania

The European Parliament,

– having regard to its earlier resolutions on the accession of Bulgaria and Romania, in particular its resolutions of 15 December 2005

–   having regard to the Treaty of Accession to the European Union signed by Bulgaria and Romania  on 25 April 2005,

- having regard to the Monitoring Reports on the state of preparedness for EU membership of Bulgaria and Romania presented on 16 May by the European Commission

- having regard to Rule 103(2) of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas the Commission notes significant improvements to have been achieved by Bulgaria and Romania since the Commission's last report,
B. whereas progress in a limited number of areas has still not been completely satisfactory, and whereas Bulgaria and Romania must take immediate steps to make good these shortcomings in order to join the Union on 1 January 2007,
C. whereas the Commission will present further Monitoring reports on the state of preparedness for EU membership of Bulgaria and Romania in the beginning of October 2006,
D. whereas the European Parliament has expressed the clear wish to see Romania and Bulgaria join the Union on 1 January 2007, in so far as the conditions laid down in the Treaty of Accession are fulfilled by each of those two countries;
E. whereas agreement was reached through an exchange of letters between the President of the European Parliament and the President of the Commission on the full association of the European Parliament with regard to any consideration of activation of one of the safeguard clauses in the Treaty of Accession;

1. Has with great interest taken note of the reports by the European Commission on the state of preparedness of Bulgaria and Romania for their accession to the European Union and pays tribute to the great care and seriousness devoted by the Commission and its services to the monitoring of the preparatory efforts for and the implementing measures undertaken by both countries in order to meet the conditions for their entering the European Union by 1 January 2007;

2. Notes with satisfaction that the Commission maintains the deadline for both countries to enter the European Union by 1 January 2007 on condition that the necessary measures will be taken to resolve the still outstanding problems and accepts the recommendations made by the Commission with regard to the further proceedings for taking a final decision on the date of accession of Bulgaria and Romania;

3. Stresses that the Bulgarian and Romanian governments must be aware of the need to fully use the remaining months and make a further effort to meet the requirements for achieving full EU membership by 1 January 2007;

4.  Notes with satisfaction the serious efforts exerted and the considerable progress made by Romania and Bulgaria in the past months to meet the political and economic criteria of the EU as well as gradually adopt and implement the aquis communautaire;

5. Is aware that a decision on the accession of each country will be taken on its own merits and achievements, but is convinced that on the basis of the progress achieved so far by both countries and their activities for achieving further progress in the next few months, Bulgaria and Romania can enter the European Union together and on the same date.

6. Calls on all political forces in Bulgaria and Romania to concentrate their activities on completing the conditions for EU Membership by 1 January 2007 and to create the necessary political stability to achieve this objective. 

7. Calls on the Commission to clearly formulate which further, concrete steps are expected to be taken by the two acceding countries to realise their aspiration of rapid full EU membership; urges the member States to complete the ratification process for the accession of Bulgaria and Romania in due time.

8. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, the Council and the governments and the Parliaments of Bulgaria and Romania.


European Parliament resolution on the accession of Bulgaria and Romania

The European Parliament,

– having regard to ...

- having regard to Rule 103(2) of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas it is the common and declared objective of the EU for the accession of  Bulgaria and Romania to take place on 1 January 2007, provided that they have taken the necessary steps to overcome remaining issues of serious concern
B. Whereas the final decision of Member States on the definitive accession of Bulgaria and Romania will therefore  be taken in autumm, probably during the European Council in October, just a few weeks before the 2007 deadline, on the basis of the publication of the last commission report  also in automm,
C. whereas the accession of Bulgaria and Romania will complete the previous round of EU  enlargement
D. whereas the European Parliament has consistently expressed its support for the timely  accession of Bulgaria and Romania
E. whereas there are provisions in the Accession Treaty for safeguard and monitoring measures  which may, if necessary, be applied in the immediate years after accession, obviating any  delay in actual accession
F. whereas agreement was reached through an exchange of letters between the President of the  European Parliament and the President of the Commission on the full association of the  European Parliament in any consideration of activation of  safeguard clauses in the Treaty of  Accession
1. Welcomes the Commission's confirmation, in its Monitoring Report of 16 May, of Bulgaria's readiness for accession to the EU on 1 January 2007, provided that she addresses a number of outstanding issues, foremost among which is the need to demonstrate clearer evidence of results in the fight against organised crime and corruption

2. Calls on Council, at its Summit on 15-16 June, to confirm Bulgaria's entry into the EU on 1 January 2007 if she is ready; at the same time welcomes the specialist assistance that has been provided by Member States, particularly in the field of justice and policing and urges reinforcement of this assistance in the coming months

3. Recognises the considerable progress that has been achieved by the Bulgarian authorities in addressing the areas identified by the EU as matters of  “serious concern”, reducing them from 16 to 6 since October 2005; welcomes the adoption on 8 June by the Bulgarian Government of a thematic Action Plan with specific deadlines;  in the coming months therefore urges Bulgaria to produce concrete and visible results that will demonstrate her wholehearted determination to overcome remaining areas of concern in the full knowledge that the reform process is beneficial in its own right, not just as a prerequisite to EU membership in order to provide a better life for the people of Bulgaria

4. Calls on the Commission, as a matter of urgency, to provide Bulgaria with the clearest possible guidance on the outcomes that are expected in order to meet its concerns, to ensure that the maximum Community resources are targeted on these areas in order to help produce tangible improvements, and, in cooperation with the Bulgarian authorities, to define the nature and modalities of any possible post-accession monitoring measures and the circumstances under which they might be necessary

5. calls also for steps to be taken to guarantee that effective and transparent financial management and control structures for EU funds are in place in Bulgaria


6. se félicite des grands progrès réalisés par la Roumanie dans certains domaines requis, comme l'a reconnu le rapport de la Commission du 16 mai 2006;  souligne particulièrement les progrès atteints dans des domaines aussi transcendants comme la lutte contre la corruption et la réforme du système judiciaire and welcomes the fact that the Romanian government had adopted an emergency action plan to meet the deficits identified by the Commission in its progress report of 16 May;

7. demande aux Autorités roumaines, avec urgence, de s'attaquer particulièrement à divers problèmes que le rapport de la Commission juge très préoccupants comme c''est le cas de certains secteurs tels que l'agriculture et la législation vétérinaire, ainsi que certaines lacunes en matière fiscale; rappelle qu'il y a aussi d'autres domaines importants pour lesquels, selon la Commission, les Autorités roumaines doivent poursuivre leurs efforts afin d'être pleinement prêt pour l'Adhésion.
8. en vue de la ligne de progrès suivie par les Autorités roumaines ces derniers temps et son ferme compromis avec l'adhésion de son pays, le Parlement européen exprime sa confiance* sur le fait que les résultats de ces efforts seront évalués positivement par la Commission dans son prochain rapport et réitère son souhait que la Roumanie adhère à l'Union européenne, comme prévu, le 1er janvier 2007; demande au Conseil européen de confirmer cette date.

6. Recognises that, to date, 17 Member States have ratified the Accession Treaty;
en conséquence, demande aux Parlements nationaux qui n'ont pas encore ratifié le Traité d'adhésion, qu'ils accélèrent les formalités nécessaires, de sorte que l'objectif commun de janvier 2007 ne soit pas mis en danger.

7. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, the Council, and the Government and National Assembly of Bulgaria  and the Government and National Assembly of Romania.


The European Parliament,
­ having regard to its previous resolutions on the accession process of Bulgaria  and Romania, in particular its resolution of 6 July 2005;
­ having regard to the accession treaty for Bulgaria and Romania signed on 25 April 2005;
­ having regard the 2006 Monitoring Reports on Bulgaria's and Romania's preparations for EU accession approved by the Commission On 16 May 2006;
­ having regard to Rule ......... of its Rules of Procedure;

1. Welcomes the efforts made by both countries and their achievements in the successful transformation of their political and economic systems into functioning democracies and market economies, by continuing progress towards meeting the acquis criteria in full;
2. Underlines again its commitment to ensure that both countries successfully complete their final preparations for the EU accession and therefore will continue to follow closely the process which will lead to Bulgaria's and Romania's accession;

3. Underlines the importance for Romania and Bulgaria to mobilize and deliver the last effort to improve the following areas highlighted by the Commission: the internal market, including food safety, the area of justice, freedom and security, and to the management of EU funds;

4. Stresses that the Parliament should be fully involved in decision-making in the event of the safeguard clauses contained in the Accession Treaty being used in the context of Bulgaria's and Romania's accession;

5. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, the Council, and the Governments and Parliaments of Bulgaria and Romania.


European Parliament resolution on the accession of Bulgaria and Romania

The European Parliament,

–  having regard to its earlier resolutions and reports on the accession of Bulgaria and Romania, in particular its resolutions of 15 December 2005;
–    having regard to the Treaty of Accession to the European Union ratified by the European Parliament on 25 April 2005; 
-  having regard to the Monitoring Reports on the state of preparedness for EU membership of Bulgaria and Romania presented on 16 May by the European Commission; 

-  having regard to Rule 103(2) of its Rules of Procedure;

A. whereas the Commission reports notes significant progress by the two countries in adopting and implementing the acquis and in fulfilling the commitments made during the negotiations since the last Commission's last report;

B. whereas progress in a limited number of areas has still not been completely satisfactory, and whereas Bulgaria and Romania must take immediate steps to rectify and progress as regards these shortcomings in order to join the European Union on 1 January 2007;

C. whereas the Commission is going to present additional Monitoring reports on the state of preparedness for EU membership of Bulgaria and Romania that should be published no later than early October 2006;

D. whereas the European Parliament has repeatedly expressed its clear wish to see Romania and Bulgaria join the Union on 1 January 2007, in so far as the conditions laid down in the Treaty of Accession are fulfilled by each of those two countries;

1. takes note of the reports by the European Commission on the state of preparedness of Bulgaria and Romania for their accession to the European Union and welcomes the findings that both countries are judged to be able to join the European Union on 1 January 2007;

2. congratulates both countries on the continued and significant progress made and underlines that they must make further efforts to rectify the shortcomings identified by the Commission, and in particular those linked to the judiciary, the fight against corruption and organised crime, and to make sure that full administrative capacity is put in place, so both countries can fully benefit from EU membership, also gives its full support for the efforts to end discrimination of and improve the social situation for the Roma population in the two countries;

3. calls on the Commission to clearly identify which further concrete steps must be taken by the two countries in order to realise their aspiration of EU membership from 1 January 2007 and to give its full support to the respective governments and authorities in the final preparations for membership;

4. Calls on the Commission to present its Monitoring Report as early as possible in autumn 2006, but underlines that, considering the progress already made, only very serious failings in meeting the obligations of membership can have an impact on the date of accession;

5. expresses its full support for the adequate implementation of the Action Plans that the Bulgarian and Romanian authorities have adopted to address the remaining shortcomings , is convinced that their commitment will ensure accession  on 1 January 2007, but underlines that reforms must continue after accession;

6. calls on all political forces in Bulgaria and Romania to concentrate their activities on completing the conditions for EU Membership by 1 January 2007 and to create the necessary political stability to achieve this objective;

7. calls on all Member States that have not already ratified the Accession Treaty, to do so as soon as possible, regardless of the timing of the publication of the Commission monitoring report

8. instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, the Council and the governments and the Parliaments of Bulgaria and Romania.

(Portal EUROPE)

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