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Meglena Plugchieva: there is a serious lagging behind under risky EU-funded projects

The Deputy Prime Minister in charge of EU funds absorption Meglena Plugchieva presented her report on EU funds implementation in Bulgaria. Plugchieva said that there are some risky projects which are seriously lagging behind, Focus Agency announced.

One of the projects aimed at the construction of incinerator is to the value of 19.5 million euros. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ministry of Environment and Water are responsible for the delay. The project is under PHARE and the option for its realization expires in August.

A project for the construction of purifying installation to the value of 10.73 million euros in Pazardjik is also delayed. The contracting company under the project bears the responsibility for the delay. Deputy Prime Minister Plugchieva had a meeting with the Minister of Environment, representatives of Pazardjik Municipality and the Ministry of Finance.

There were problems also with the realization of a project for desulphuring installation of units 5 and 6 of TPP Maritza Iztok 2, as well with the water cycle projects for Varna, Smolyan, Shumen, Kjustendil and Sliven.

There is also delay under several transport projects: the renovation and electrification of the railway Plovdiv-Svilengrad, the construction of Lulin highway, the Sofia ring-road, the road junction at Daskalovo Quarter in Pernik and the Danube Bridge 2 Vidin Kalafat project. "I have committed myself fully that we are not going to lose the money under these projects", Plugchieva promised.

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