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Actualités / Analyses

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Online chat with Commissioner Kuneva's head of cabinet John Bell: Friday morning

Friday, November 14, at 10 a.m. (Bulgarian time, 9.00 a.m. CET), Gateway Europe invites all readers to an online discussion with Mr. John Bell, Head of European Commissioner Meglena Kuneva's Cabinet responsible for Consumer Protection.

Through our web-platform anyone can participate in the upcoming discussion with questions, opinions and comments related to consumer protection in the EU.

The conversation will be held in English. However, questions can be also written in Bulgarian or other EU languages - the team will translate them online. As always, those who are willing can send their questions in advance at our e-mail address

After the discussion with Mr. John Bell the full transcript in English will be uploaded on the site, as well as a detailed summary in Bulgarian.

The online discussion is organized within the project "Now-interacting with the European Parliament".

Therefore, one of the topics will be about the role of the EP and MEPs in consumer rights protection throughout the EU.

Among the topics will be the Contract Rights Directive - the single set of consumer rights and its practical profits for the consumers; the forhcoming International Product Safety Week; as well as very concrete concerns by ordinary citizens, such as guarantees for toys safety, the warning labels of toys, etc.
Background infos: 

The European Commission launched October 8 proposals for EU-wide rights to make it easier for consumers to shop on the Internet and in the main street. The new proposal will guarantee consumers, wherever they shop in the EU, clear information on price and additional charges and fees before they sign a contract. The proposed Consumer Rights Directive simplifies 4 existing EU consumer rights directives into one set of rules. The Contract Rights Directive must be approved by the European Parliament and EU Governments in the Council of Ministers before coming into law.

From 17 to 21 November 2008, the European Commission is hosting the International Product Safety Week in Brussels. This series of events will bring together a broad range of (non-food) consumer product safety professionals from around the globe, representing regulators, businesses, consumer organisations, standard makers and test laboratories.


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