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Le Parlement europeen / Actualités

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Ukraine: EPP Group continues its support

Croatian MEP Andrej Plenković has been elected Chairman of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Ukraine at its constituent meeting. Plenković outlined his priorities to show solidarity and support the "European choice" of the Ukrainian people. Plenković will join the EP President on his visit to Ukraine this week.

Mr Plenković highlighted the efforts and the importance the EPP Group gives to this issue since the visit of the Group presidency to Ukraine in July. In addition, the EPP Group Chairman Manfred Weber has always been at the forefront to pressure the French authorities and give visibility to Euromaidan supporters so as to have their voice heard in Europe. Ukraine will be one of the two main topics at the EPP Group’s external meeting in Riga in November in the presence of Ukraine’s President Poroshenko.

Plenković supported the conclusions of the European Council in the adoption of further restrictive measures in regards to the capital market and defence, as well as the dual use of goods and sensitive technologies. "The escalation of the crisis in Ukraine represents a test of credibility in regard to the values, respect of international law, foreign, trade, energy and security policy", said Plenković. He added that the EU should continue to help Ukraine with its efforts to implement reforms, especially economic and financial packages in cooperation with other countries and international organisations.

Plenković supported the political decision by the European Parliament to speed up the ratification of the Association Agreement already next week in Strasbourg through which a new overall legal, political and economic framework will be created for relations with Ukraine. He underlined once again that the Delegation for Relations with Ukraine is ready to provide participants for the observation mission of the elections which will take place in Ukraine on 26 October 2014.

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