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Stanishev: “Bulgaria’s Membership in the EU in the Past Two Years has been a Success”

Prime Minister Sergey Stanishev addressed the members of the National Parliament with a report on the participation of Bulgaria in the decision-making process in EU during the Slovenian Presidency (January - June 2008) and the French Presidency (July - December 2008). He focused his attention on the priority areas for both our country and the two presidencies, the Government Information Service announced.

The Prime Minister pointed out that as early as the first year of its membership Bulgaria has achieved excellent coordination for the strict implementation of its obligations. According to information from the European Commission we rank 5th among the member states in the ratio of directives enacted as national legislation. We also have the best results in transposing and enforcing the regulations in regard with the Single Market. Bulgaria is the first member state to ever achieve "a zero deficit" in this area. This is due to strenuous work and is a positive precedent in the European Union.

Sergey Stanishev reported that at that moment there were no proceedings initiated against Bulgaria for failure to perform obligations stemming from EU law in the Court of the European Communities.

The PM recalled that after the proposal of the Council of Ministers, the National Assembly ratified the Reform Treaty on March 21st, 2008.

The premier accounts that our country works for the implementation of the objectives of the Lisbon Strategy. Bulgaria had presented its first National Reform Programme (2007 - 2009). Last year we received a positive assessment by EC for the first report on the progress on the implementation of this programme. By the end of the month Bulgaria will present to the EC an updated National Reform Programme (2008 - 2010) as well as a report on its implementation during the year.

The main energy policy in Bulgaria coincides with the policy in the EU - development of competitive energy markets while at the same time preserving the environment and providing energy supplies. The government makes every effort to ensure additional funding for overcoming the negative effect of decommissioning units 3 and 4 of Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant. Stanishev emphasized that the goal is for the European support scheme to be prolonged even after the year 2009.

2008 efforts have been directed mainly towards coming to a political agreement about European Commission Climate and Energy legislative package.

In the progress of the Common Agriculture Policy reform discussion which started in 2007 Bulgarian side has been working on political consensus about the Single Area Payment Scheme (SAPS). Stanishev stressed that that was the most appropriate scheme for our agricultural producers.

During the EU discussions Bulgaria expressed its support for the introduction of migration control measures while taking into account the needs of labour markets in member states.

Prime Minister Sergey Stanishev summarized that during the first two years of its full membership in the EU Bulgarian government managed to take part in the debates on all issues which were important for our society and to stand its grounds on them. In conclusion, he reminded the MPs of the position, expressed by the president of the European Commission Jose Barroso expressed during his visit in the country that Bulgarian membership in the EU is a success for our country as well as for the EU.

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