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Meglena Kuneva: Markets with Consumer Confidence Continue to Grow

EC Commissioner Meglena Kuneva presented her suggestions for more effective consumer protection in Sofia. She took part in a seminar for "Consumer Protection of Tourist Products and Services", Darik radio reported.

Kuneva urged the professionals from the tourist field to invest more in increasing the confidence of customers because this is the most important matter in the given conditions of economic crisis. According to her vacation is the first thing consumers would give up during the economic downtrend.

The Commissioner pointed out that the implementation of the new EU requirements on consumer protection was connected with additional investments which would pay off to the business because "consumer confidence is the present-day currency of economy". Meglena Kuneva noted there were challenges in the field and recommended that the tourist business does not deny them. "If you recognize them, you would know what kind of support you should look for", Kunewa said. The Commissioner called upon the business circles to make their suggestion in regarg with the EU plan for coping with the economic crisis which is going to be discussed by the European Council.

Kuneva stated that a directive is being prepared which aims full synchronization of the rules for the contract between business and consumers. The costs businesses spend for fulfilling the different requirements of regulatory regimes in all 27 member states of the EU would decrease.

A small or middle enterprise now spends about 70 000 euros only to comply with consumer protection rules. Passing the new directive, according to which the legislation in the EU member states will be based on the so called full harmonization of business and consumer law, would mean those costs decreasing to 2000 euros, Commissioner Kuneva said.

The new directive plans that information about traveling and accommodation costs includes all taxes and additional fees. If that information is missing the consumer would not be obliged to pay the additional fees, Kuneva said.

The Bulgarian Commissioner announced that in the autumn of 2010 the European Commission is expected to make amendments in a directive about the travel packages which is yet another part of the European measures supporting the increase in consumer confidence in services.

Changes are also expected in the directive for temporary use of realty. The European Council is expected to endorse the amendments later this month, Kuneva said.

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