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This version of Europe Gateway is outdated since April 25, 2014.

Nachrichten / Aktuelles

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ALESSANDRO BUTICE: “There Is a Growing Feeling of a Stronger Network Involved in Positive Joint Achievements “

"In the past 6-8 months OLAF already has trusted partners in Bulgaria. Still we miss the cooperation between the separate parts of Bulgarian administration and there is a growing feeling of a stronger network involved in positive joint achievements". That was stated by OLAF spokesman Alessandro Butice, OLAF anti-corruption advisor Wolfgang Hetzer, and the head of unit Agriculture by the European Anti-Fraud Office Elizabeth Sperber during a seminar organized by Club "Journalists against Corruption" and the prosecutor's office.

"Bulgaria is going through a very sensitive period. Bulgaira needs to convince international public that it is fighting corruption and that its administration is protecting the financial interests of the Community", OLAF spokesman Alessandro Butice said, cited by Darik Radio.

Wolfgang Hetzer emphasized that a lot of work needs to be done on investigating the cases of corruption before the next report of the European Commission. He noted that in the past 6-8 months OLAF has found trusted partners among government officials in Bulgaria.

Elizabeth Sperber described the past few months as a standstill because of the permanent changes in State Fund Agriculture.

Deputy Prime Minister Meglena Plugchieva said the last months have been a "period of crisis management". She said that a set of measures has been prepared oncluding measured against corruption, simplifying and shortening of procedures, taxation measures, changes in Penal and Penal Procedure Codes, changes in Commerce Act introducing the condition for lack of public debt, in Tax Procedure Act, in the acto on contracts and privities of contracts. The goal is for all payment for more than 5000 BGN to be made via bank transfers.

Another laws undergoing changes are the act on VAT, Concessions Act aiming at preventing the participation of persons related to public debts. Soon they will be tabled for discussion in the National Assembly.

Im voraus
Die EU-Fonds für Bulgarien
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