This version of Europe Gateway is outdated since April 25, 2014.
27-06-2012 • News & Events / Interviews
1. Please introduce yourself?
I am Mihail Dimitru and I am director in the European Commission, Directorate-General "Agriculture and Rural
Development". And I am in charge of the rural development programs.
2. What are the main lessons of the past of the CAP?
We learned a lot of lessons in the past of the CAP. We learned that success also has sometimes some negative elements...
27-04-2010 • News & Events / Interviews
Diana Wallis, Vice President of the European Parliament, speaks to journalists from Bulgaria. This special interview
is given to Radio Bulgaria, PROBG and Europe Gateway on April 14 2010 on the occasion of the public presentation in
Brussels of the book "Europe 2020 - Civic Vision", edited by experts of the European Institute Foundation and its
partnering organizations within...
10-02-2010 • News & Events / Interviews
During his official visit to Paris on Tuesday, 2 February, Touteleurope.fr interveiwed Jerzy Buzek, President of the
European Parliament. Former Polish Prime Minister and member of Solidarnosc, he explains the new reforms contained in
the Lisbon Treaty and presents his priorities for his mandate.
To see the video recording and to read the whole text of the interview, click...
10-02-2010 • News & Events / Interviews
With just a few days to go until the likely investiture of the second Barroso Commission, Touteleurope.fr, in
partnership with the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, met with French Commissioner designate for Internal Market and
Services, Michel Barnier. Barnier went through the priorities of his new mandate, the strategic aspect of this portfolio
and the need for intelligent...
10-02-2010 • News & Events / Interviews
In its new series Wide Angle, Touteleurope.fr will interview each month a different expert, politician, historian or
artist about a topical european issue. For the first interview in the series Touteleurope.fr spoke to Loukas Tsoukalis,
a greek politicial scientist about his country's economic woes and about the future of European social and economic
04-02-2010 • News & Events / Interviews
Europe Gateway's blitz interview with Mr. João Sant'Anna – Head of the Legal Department of the
European Ombudsman.
Mr. Sant`Anna was special guest to the International conference “Europe 2020 – Civic Visions”, held
in Sofia on January 29-30, 2010, within the “Interacting with the European Parliament” project, financially...
04-02-2010 • News & Events / Interviews
Europe Gateway's blitz interview with German MEP Doris Pack (EPP), Chairwoman of the Committee on Culture and
Education in the European Parliament.
Mrs. Pack was special guest to the International conference “Europe 2020 – Civic Visions”, held in
Sofia on January 29-30, 2010, within the “Interacting with the European Parliament” project,...
09-11-2009 • News & Events / Interviews
Ryszard Czarnecki is a Polish MEP from the European Conservatives and Reformists. He was born in London, UK, in 1963.
Czarnecki is a Vice-Chairman of the Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly and a member of the Committee on
Budgetary Control, Committee on Transport and Tourism. Mr. Czarnecki graduated as a Master of History, University of
Wrocław. He worked as an...
07-08-2009 • News & Events / Interviews
Iceland benefits from having it‘s own seat at the negotiating table instead of being a member of the EU block,
having to adopt the common policy instead of pursuing the country‘s own interest, Birgir T. Petursson, partner at
GHP Legal in Reykjavik, says in an interview for Europe Gateway.
Birgir T. Petursson is an Attorney at Law, a partner at GHP Legal in...
23-12-2008 • News & Events / Interviews
A special “Progress Watch” interview with Minister of Justice Miglena Tacheva, December 2008. The full text
in the original is available on Europe.bg’s Bulgarian-language section.
Are you satisfied with the accomplishments in the field of justice and home affairs since July 2008 when the EC
announced its country progress report?
After the publishing of the...
29-05-2008 • News & Events / Interviews
The European integration is a long process. What Slovenia has achieved? What is the next step?
When we were leaving Yugoslavia at the end of the 80-es and in the beginning of the 90-es, we had this big dream of
becoming the integral part of Europe, members of the EU and NATO, area of prosperity. We did not even dare to think
about having the Presidency of the EU one day. Most...
28-05-2008 • News & Events / Interviews
MILAN PREDAN is a professional diplomat with journalistic background. Before entering the Slovenian foreign service he
was for 10 years chief editor of the second largest Slovenian daily newspaper Večer. After serving as diplomat in Italy
he returned to the newspaper and took over the position of the general manager of the company. As of the begining of
this year he is heading...
05-02-2008 • News & Events / Interviews
Ms. Gergana Gruncharova, Minister on European affairs, comments for Gateway EUROPE, that the Lisbon Treaty allows the
EU to function effectively with the new 12 member states.
Minister Grancharova takes part in the conference "Lisbon Treaty - European perspectives".
Ms. Gruncharova, soon, the Lisbon Treaty t will be put forward to the Parliament for ratification. What...
16-01-2008 • News & Events / Interviews
Europe Gateway presents an interview with the European Ombudsman Nikoforos Diamandouros concerning the public access
to MEPs' expenses and public policies.
Have you received complaints about the current expenses of MEPs? Could you give an example?
I received a complaint from a Maltese journalist who asked the European Parliament (EP) to give him access to data...
06-07-2007 • News & Events / Interviews
MEP Ari Vatanen EPP-ED, Chairman of Mobility for Prosperity in Europe, organised the event "The Integrated Approach to
Road Safety" on Monday 14 May in the European Parliament in Brussels. In his speech Ari Vatanen brought to the attention
of the public the drastic differences between EU Member States in deaths on roads: whereas in the Netherlands, UK or
Sweden there are...
15-06-2007 • News & Events / Interviews
The EPP-ED Group in the European Parliament has voted unanimously in favour of the membership of five newly-elected
Bulgarian MEPs from the political party GERB. Gateway EUROPE interviewed EPP-ED Group Chairman Joseph Daul on his
expectations of the new MEPs.
Note: Mr. Daul chose to answer the questions of Gateway Europe in written form.
Did you already have the chance to...
04-04-2007 • News & Events / Interviews
Multilingualism European commissioner Leonard Orban in an interview for Europe Gateway.
Mid-April, European Central Bank representatives are visiting Bulgaria to confer with officials in Sofia about the
official name of the EU currency in Bulgarian language, Sega daily reported this week. The official spelling has to be
"euro" as in all 23 official EU-languages. Bulgaria,...
01-02-2007 • News & Events / Interviews
Interview for Europe Gateway with Tudor CHIUARIU, Head of Fight Against Fraud Department - DLAF, Romania.
Whose was the idea for the establishment of the post of a Minister Delegate for the control of the implementation of
international grant programs and for monitoring the application of the acquis?
In 2004, in line with EU accession commitments, the Government decided to...
08-08-2006 • News & Events / Interviews
Daniel Daianu is a Minister of Finance in the preparatory period before the opening of the negotiations for EU
membership of Romania, 1997-1998. He is Chairman of the Romanian Economic Society and President of the European
Association for Comparative Economic Studies. Daianu is Professor, Ph.D. at the Academy of Economic Studies in
Bucharest as well as a financial and economic...
07-08-2006 • News & Events / Interviews
SIPPING whisky for breakfast on his gilded throne, Tsar Kiro, the leader of Bulgaria's gypsy community, sees a
crime wave engulfing Britain and the rest of Europe when his country joins the European Union next year.
"Crime and corruption in Bulgaria are huge problems and once the borders open up the country will be exporting both to
the EU," predicted Kiro as an armed...
20-07-2006 • News & Events / Interviews
Interview Ambassador Philippe Beke for Portal Europe.bg.
How would you assess the level of preparations of Bulgaria for an EU-membership?
Since Bulgaria started the negotiations in the year 2000, many changes have occured in the society. Indeed, the acquis
communautaire, which is the equivalent of the European legislation, has profoundly changed the Bulgarian legislation....
06-07-2006 • News & Events / Interviews
Romanian Minister of European Integration Ms. Anca Boagiu in an interview for Portal EUROPE.
Reporter Ognian Boyadjiev
Ms. Boagiu, what were your feelings and emotions on May 16, when the Commission’s monitoring report was presented
with no recommendation for a 2007 accession for Romania?
May 16 was a date of great importance for both our countries. Nevertheless, we were...
04-07-2006 • News & Events / Interviews
Romanian oppisition MP and EP observer Adrian SEVERIN in an exclusive interview for the Bulgarian journalist Nikolai
10 questions on the European Union, Internal Affairs, Securitate, Western Balkans and Black Sea Region. Portal EUROPE
received this text for publishing by our colleague Nikolay YOTOV.
In a lecture, given by you at the Academy of Economic Studies...
15-05-2006 • News & Events / Interviews
Oana Mocanu is an Expert and Project Coordinator at the European Institute of Romania (EIR), within the European
Studies Unit and also the Editor-in-Chief of the Romanian Journal of European Affairs. The studies, undertaken by EIR
continue to prove to be a very useful tool in the decision-making process and the permanent and active dialogue between
the researchers and the...
25-04-2006 • News & Events / Interviews
Safeguard clauses would not mean that the Bulgarian government is not active enough, EU socialists believe
Parliamentary Group of the Party of European Socialists vice-president in charge of EU enlargement issues, Jan Marinus
Wiersma of the Netherlands, in an interview for Portal EUROPE.
*I do not believe Romania is ahead of Bulgaria; they are at the same level right now....
08-04-2006 • News & Events / Interviews
Interview with Mrs. Malinka Ristevska Jordanova, Chief of Cabinet for the Deputy Prime Minister of Macedonia Radmila
Sekerinska(http://www.sep.gov.mk/portal/eng/default.asp?id=11), heading the European
integration(http://www.sep.gov.mk/portal/eng/default.asp?id=213), Government of the Republic of Macedonia
Mrs. Jordanova, what...
29-03-2006 • News & Events / Interviews
Portal Europe.bg
Your excellency, there was an announcement that the European Parliament can take the decision on the date for
Bulgaria’s accession to the EU before the European Commission’s monitoring report in May. Is this possible and what
would be the significance of such a decision?
The decision about a possible delay has to be taken by the member-states after a...
18-03-2006 • News & Events / Interviews
MARCH 16, 17h30 Bulgarian time
Interviewer: Ognian Boyadjiev, Portal Europe.bg
Hello, Mr. Leigh, thank you very much for giving this interview for Portal Europe.bg.
So, I have sent you some questions on the email. I would like to directly ask you the first question, about the
statement of Mrs. Czarnota.
So ask your...
Published at 08-02-2006 from Portal "Europe" Harry van Bommel (MP for the Socialist Party (SP) of the Netherlands) answered to our questions about the enlargement of
the EU with Romania and Bulgaria.
Did your party reject or support the treaty for Bulgaria’s and Romania’s admission to the EU?
The Socialist Party of the Netherlands (SP) has voted against ratification at this moment. We have proposed to postpone... |
Published at 08-02-2006 from Portal "Europe" Neil Corlett, spokesperson for the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe in the European Pariliament, answered
our questions, concerning Bulgaria’s integration into the EU:
What is the opinion of your group about the degree of readiness of Bulgaria and Romania to join the EU?
The ALDE Group has always been supportive for Bulgaria's and Romania's bid to join the... |
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