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European Parliament

17-09-2014 • European Parliament

Youth Employment: building an entrepreneurial culture is key

"The Youth Employment Initiative can achieve important results. Intelligent implementation of schemes by Member State governments that fall under the Initiative have the potential of breaking the vicious cycle of heavy reliance on state benefits which can further consolidate increasing discontentment", said David Casa MEP, EPP Group Spokesman in the Employment and Social...
16-09-2014 • European Parliament

EU Budget 2015: EPP Group urges the Council to reverse its position

“A sum of €23.4 billion was transferred to this year’s budget as it was left unpaid in 2013. We foresee tens of millions of Euros, due at the end of 2014, which will need to be carried over to 2015. This is the money which universities, Erasmus, SMEs and local authorities depend upon. These are implemented projects and programmes in Member States whose bills...
16-09-2014 • European Parliament

EU-Russia relations: we stand ready for further sanctions

During a debate in the European Parliament on the situation in Ukraine and the state of play in EU-Russia relations, and before the ratification by the European Parliament of the Association Agreement, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, Elmar Brok MEP warned about Russia’s intentions for further expansion. "We have the impression...
16-09-2014 • European Parliament

The Association Agreement is a success for both Ukraine and the EU

An overwhelming majority of the European Parliament expressed its consent to ratify the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine, including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA). The vote took place today in Strasbourg, in parallel with the ratification of the AA/DCFTA by the Ukrainian Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) in Kiev. "Today's...
16-09-2014 • European Parliament

Commissioner-designate, Miguel Arias Cañete MEP, confirmed the divestment of shares in energy companies

The Commissioner-designate, Miguel Arias Cañete, confirmed today that as soon as President Jean-Claude Juncker announced his designation as Commissioner-designate responsible for Climate Action and Energy, he gave instructions to sell all of the shares he owned in energy companies, including those in the two companies whose major activity is linked to fuel storage,...
11-09-2014 • European Parliament

EPP Group Chairman expresses "profound joy" over Pope Francis' visit to European Parliament

"On behalf of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, I would like to express my profound joy over the announcement of Pope Francis’ visit to the European Parliament (EP), and to thank His Holiness for accepting our invitation", the Chairman of the EPP Group in the EP, Manfred Weber, said today. "With this visit to the representatives of 500 million European...
10-09-2014 • European Parliament

Reform Commission will focus on growth and jobs

“The new European Commission is clearly oriented towards reforms, jobs and growth. Its structure and organisation will be more political and more efficient to meet the challenges ahead and to deliver. This is a good proposal by Commission President-elect Jean-Claude Juncker”, said Manfred Weber MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament....
09-09-2014 • European Parliament

Ukraine: EPP Group continues its support

Croatian MEP Andrej Plenković has been elected Chairman of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Ukraine at its constituent meeting. Plenković outlined his priorities to show solidarity and support the "European choice" of the Ukrainian people. Plenković will join the EP President on his visit to Ukraine this week. Mr Plenković highlighted the...
03-09-2014 • European Parliament

Banking structure legislation: EPP Group to take the lead

Gunnar Hökmark MEP has been appointed the European Parliament's Rapporteur for banking structural reform. The purpose of this legislation, based on the so-called Liikanen Report, is to ensure the stability of banks which provide both investment and retail banking services. “My ambition is to ensure that our banks can be competitive and capable of supporting...
17-04-2014 • European Parliament

Russia: MEPs issue call to strengthen sanctions

The European Parliament has called on the Council to strengthen the second phase of sanctions against Russia and be ready for the third phase (economic sanctions), which must be applied immediately. In a Resolution adopted by a large majority today, MEPs furthermore request the Council to swiftly apply an arms and dual-use technology embargo against Russia. Elmar Brok MEP,...
04-04-2014 • European Parliament

Joint declaration by the EPP S&D and ALDE Groups on the election of the President of the European Commission

In a joint declaration, the Presidents of the EPP, S&D and ALDE Groups in the European Parliament, Joseph Daul, Hannes Swoboda and Guy Verhofstadt, have made a commitment to dialogue and consultations as soon as possible after the European elections, in accordance with Declaration 11, annexed to the Treaty on European Union (related to Articles 17.6 and 17.7). This states that...
04-04-2014 • European Parliament

Joint declaration by the EPP S&D and ALDE Groups on the election of the President of the European Commission

In a joint declaration, the Presidents of the EPP, S&D and ALDE Groups in the European Parliament, Joseph Daul, Hannes Swoboda and Guy Verhofstadt, have made a commitment to dialogue and consultations as soon as possible after the European elections, in accordance with Declaration 11, annexed to the Treaty on European Union (related to Articles 17.6 and 17.7). This states that...
03-04-2014 • European Parliament

Parliament votes to end roaming fees and safeguard net neutrality

End roaming fees, safeguard net neutrality and extend broadband – these were the goals of the ALDE group for the latest EU roaming package. With today’s Parliamentary vote this goal has been fully achieved, after the most controversial part on net neutrality has equally been adopted in the liberal direction. From 15 December 2015 telecom providers in the EU will...
20-02-2014 • European Parliament

Ukraine: EPP Group calls on Foreign Ministers to exclude Yanukovich from club of democratic leaders

“At this very moment on the European continent, a leader is committing a massacre against his own people. These terrifying events remind us of the darkest moments of history, Budapest in 1956, Prague in 1968, Sarajevo in 1992. By ordering its police forces to attack the demonstrators on Maidan Square with live ammunition, water cannons, grenades and truncheons, Mr...
19-02-2014 • European Parliament

The hour of truth has come: EU must stand by the Ukrainian people

Guy Verhofstadt, ALDE leader, welcomes that the High Representative is calling the EU Foreign Ministers together on Ukraine on Thursday this week. He said "Tomorrow's extra-ordinary meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council must focus on a reinforced EU response to the violence and crack-down in Ukraine. The Foreign Ministers should focus on three initial elements: - The...
10-02-2014 • European Parliament

Swiss Referendum: freedom of movement not negotiable

Commenting on the result of the Swiss referendum on the restriction of free movement, EPP Group Chairman Joseph Daul MEP and Vice-Chairman Manfred Weber MEP said: "The free movement of citizens is a core principle of the EU. Switzerland has a binding bilateral agreement with the EU to accept and guarantee free movement for all EU citizens. The EU also guarantees free...
06-02-2014 • European Parliament

Bosnia-Herzegovina: MEPs call for end to political stalemate

The European Parliament today issued a strong call for the politicians of Bosnia-Herzegovina to overcome divisions and take decisive steps to consolidate the common state. "The current political stalemate prevents Bosnia-Herzegovina from developing its economy and providing a stable and prosperous future for its citizens. Local politicians must co-operate in the interest of...
29-01-2014 • European Parliament

Further clarifications are needed in relation to the European Parliament grant made to the wife of Bulgarian Socialist lead candidate for European elections

"Further clarifications are needed in relation to the circumstances in which a grant of 60.000 EUR was given by the European Parliament to the wife of the President of the European Socialist's Party, Sergei Stanishev", the spokeswoman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament's Committee on Budgetary Control, Inge Grässle MEP said today. Ms Stanishev, who yesterday...
22-01-2014 • European Parliament

President Yanukovych has lost legitimacy by attacking the protesters

With violence in Ukraine escalating today, resulting in one confirmed death and with two others reported, Guy Verhofstadt, ALDE group Leader has called on the EU to consider sanctions on Ukraine. He said “President Viktor Yanukovych has yet to realise that while the EU offered free trade cooperation and association – he may yet end up with the opposite –...
21-01-2014 • European Parliament

Verhofstadt proposed as candidate for European Commission President. Rehn candidate for other senior post

The ALDE Party have just confirmed an agreement between Guy Verhofstadt and Olli Rehn, brokered by Mark Rutte and Christian Lindner, by which the former will be the candidate in the forthcoming European elections for the post of Commission President whilst the latter will be the party’s candidate for another senior post. Guy Verhofstadt said: “I am delighted...
16-01-2014 • European Parliament

European Parliament backs EPP Group call on Member States to respect free movement

A Joint Resolution adopted today by the European Parliament and initiated by the EPP Group calls on Member States to respect the fundamental right of free movement in the EU. The European Parliament strongly contests the position taken by some European leaders to implement measures undermining this right. Members of the European Parliament ask for the enforcement of the Union...
16-01-2014 • European Parliament

Serbia Progress Report: significant progress has been made, but challenges still remain

“2013 has been a key year for Serbia and the country deserves due praise for the breakthrough in relations with Kosovo. On the other hand, Serbia still need to address several crucial issues, like the deep-level problem of corruption and the economic difficulties”, said György Schöpflin MEP following the adoption in the European Parliament of the 2013...
16-01-2014 • European Parliament

Accelerate negotiations of EU Association Agreement with Kosovo

“The Stabilisation and Association Agreement of the EU with Kosovo should be completed as quickly as possible”, said EPP Group Rapporteur, Bernd Posselt MEP. “It is necessary to advance the accession of the Republic of Kosovo, which has so far established diplomatic relations with 104 out of 193 UN Member States, to the Council of Europe." The European...
10-12-2013 • European Parliament

The people of Ukraine have chosen Europe not Moscow

ALDE Leader Guy Verhofstadt, speaking during a live link to Maidan square in Kyiv with one of the leaders of the protesters Mykola Katerynchuk, President of the European Partyof Ukraine said " The Ukrainian people have chosen Europe and not Moscow and while Russia may have legitimate concerns about the trade agreements of its neighbours - sabotage and blackmail is not...
20-11-2013 • European Parliament

EPP Group supports Malala Yousafzai's efforts to change the world through education. Joseph Daul MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group

“Today, the European Parliament received a lesson in courage, strong determination and generous humanity from Malala Yousafzai, a girl who I strongly believe will change the world. Malala gave up weakness, fear and hopelessness for strength, power and courage. She is a heroine for her generation and for us all. Not only is she fighting for the right to education and...
20-11-2013 • European Parliament

Gender diversity is good for the boardroom say Liberals and Democrats

After four decades of voluntary measures, EU companies are still failing to fill vacant boardroom seats with women. Despite the growing presence of suitably qualified and experienced women in the recruitment pool, optimism that these talented women would automatically break the" glass ceiling" turned out to be misplaced. Only 13% of company board members in the EU's largest...
19-11-2013 • European Parliament

Multiannual Financial Framework: final green light for investment budget

The European Parliament today adopted the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 (MFF) by a large majority. Jean-Luc Dehaene MEP, who negotiated with the Member States on behalf of the Parliament, says the European Parliament managed to improve the functioning of the MFF, despite a lack of increase in the figures: “We have turned the financial framework 2014-2020 into...
19-11-2013 • European Parliament

Single Market for Telecoms: EPP Group proposes to abolish retail roaming charges for voice

The European Parliament’s Rapporteur on the draft Regulation laying down measures concerning the European Single Market for electronic communications, EPP Group MEP Pilar del Castillo, today tabled her proposals in which she asks, among others, to abolish retail roaming charges for voice, SMS and data. With the Rapporteur’s proposal, the debate will now start in...
06-11-2013 • European Parliament

The European Parliament regrets that the Council is taking the multiannual financial framework hostage

Following the June political agreement on the 2014-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework, ALDE accepted a lower budget forecast than for the previous period on two main conditions: first, that the outstanding bills be paid so that they do not fall under the next budget period, and secondly, that a high-level group on own resources be formed prior to the Parliament's assent on...
06-11-2013 • European Parliament

Freedom of movement for workers must be a priority

On Tuesday 5 November 2013, the European Parliament´s Committee on Employment and Social Affairs adopted a report by Edit Bauer on the Directive on freedom of movement of workers. Freedom of movement for workers is one of the four fundamental freedoms and one of the core values of the European Union and a fundamental element of EU citizenship. In spite of this,...
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